Chapter 17: The Unknown

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I looked up at the white church and felt an odd sense of discomfort. I hadn't been to church since my father left my mother and even when I went I wasn't much for religion. It all seemed too controlling for me and after a while I lost the ability to listen without questioning. "Why so shaken?" My mother chuckled as she looped arms with me. "Listen, if that good for nothing Craig Hobble can step foot into any church so can you."

"Momma, the only reason he even comes closer I this place is because he has to keep up appearances. He never believed," I sighed as we walked up the white concrete steps. It was always hard to admit that I had lost my faith, it was never easy to see how far I had fallen.

"Nobody is perfect, Annika Simone." My mother patted my hand. "But we come here because Christ still loves us, sin and all." As we stepped into the large double, oak doors my mother left my side and mingled with the other older patrons. I bit my lip as I looked around at half the town, they talked and kids ran out the door to the open field out back.

"Afraid he'll strike you with lightening?" Hannah chuckled as she hip bumped me.

"Maybe," I sighed as my body grew hot as memories from last night flashed in my head.

"Don't worry, if I'm still standing you'll be fine." Hannah smiled and looped arms with me as Pastor Simon asked everyone to be seated. Just before the sermon started the front doors opened, Ms. Baker, Kayden, and Rowland walked through the door.

"Since when did they start coming to church?" Ms. Baker always attended services but the Baker boys never did.

"Since their dad passed." Hannah waved at Kayden who waved back before making his way to us. My eyes connected to Row's and a small smile tugged at his lips. "Sounds good, right Annika?"

"What?" I turned to my friends and they both chuckled lowly.

"The Tavern tomorrow night, sound good?" Kayden re-asked the question he already stated.

"Oh, yea, sounds perfect." I smiled as Pastor Simon cleared his throat to begin service. Throughout the service I kept getting lost in my head, in my own doubts. I had no idea what Row was thinking and I grew angry that I felt like I was in high school again. I was a grown ass woman I shouldn't be acting like a kid. But I couldn't shake it, it was attached to me and I knew that unless I actually talked to Row it wasn't going away.

"And I hope you all can join us for the picnic right after service." Pastor Simon concluded before praying. I had been so wrapped up in my head that I hadn't notice a whole hour passed.

"What is wrong with me?" I breathed than smacked my head on the pew in front of me. Everyone turned to me after they said their amens and I gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry." I added before they all stood, church dismissing for the picnic to commence. Hannah grabbed my arm and we walked out together, her arms locked with mine.

"What was that about?" Hannah questioned as we sat at a deserted table. I hadn't told her about Row and I didn't know if I should. I tell her everything but my uncertainty prevented me from getting her hopes up, she's wanted us together since kindergarten.

"Nothing," I tried but her look told me she wasn't buying it. "Just lost in my own self doubts that's all."

"Well, we can't have that can we." I jumped as Row's voice sent shivers down my spine. I hadn't realized he was so close until after he nearly gave me a heart attack.

"What the hell Row??" I swatted at his arm as he sat next to me, chuckling at my fear spasm.

"It's always fun scaring you." He teased as he pulled a strand of my hair around his finger.

"Ha ha... Yes, very amusing." I rolled my eyes flipping my hair out of his reach. "Fuck you." I breathed with a smile, not really mad at him.

"Just tell me when." He smiled and Hannah choked on the lemonade she had been drinking. He chuckled before Red called him over to another table, forcing him to stand up. He knelt next to my ear and I inhaled sharply, his scent wrapping around me. "You look very beautiful today, Annika." He stood and Kayden slapped him on the back, taking Row's old seat. "Oh, and Hannah, lemonade is made for drinking not snorting." He walked away but Hannah still seemed shocked from our previous incounter to come up with a smart remark.

"What?" I asked her confused look, playing innocent.

"Oh, you are so explaining yourself to me later." She shook her head and I shrugged, taking a sip of my own lemonade.

"What I miss?" Kayden asked with confusion and excitement.

"Nothing!" Hannah and I both said at the same time before laughing at Kayden's fake semi-hurt expression.

"I'm serious, Anni." Hannah gave me stern look before Kayden asked why she had lemonade on the front of her dress. I smiled as my two friends bickered, it was good to have them. I twisted in my seat and caught Rowland's eyes, he winked at me and I had to remember to breath. Things were starting to change around here, I just wasn't sure if I was ready for the unknown yet.

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