Chapter 20 - Unknown Chapter

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  Isabelle's POV
We haven't found a place yet, and that made me worried.
I was with Gracey and Hermione in the common room and they was silence, until Neville came in.

"Guys, I think I've found a place where we can practice." he said.
We glanced at each other. "Show us, Neville."

Neville took us to the Seventh Floor and he was pacing back and forth.
"Neville, what are you doing?" Gracey asked.

He didn't answer back. "I think I know what's he doing." I said.
When he walked back and forth, a door suddenly appeared.

We all walked in.

"Neville, you found the Room Of Requirement." said Hermione.
"The what?" Ron asked.

"I heard it's also known as the Come and Go Room." Gracey replied.
"The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs." Hermione explained.

"So you're saying you needed a toilet?" Ron asked.
"Charming, Ron. That's another example." I replied.

"It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." said Harry.
Harry told us that we'd start our lesson first thing in the morning. Gracey and I are the Great Hall having dinner.
"Belle, looks who's staring at you." she whispered to me.

I gave her a look and turned around. It was Cedric.
I waved to him and he waved back.

"Looks like Cedric's interested in you." said Gracey.
"Not this again." I mumbled.

Hermione looked at us and she turned around.
"And looks who glaring."

Gracey and I looked behind her and saw Draco glaring at Cedric.
"Who's he glaring at?" Hermione asked.

"Who else. Me." I replied.
"Not really. He's glaring at Cedric." Gracey said.

I sighed at that.

We got done eating dinner until Aunt Lucy's voice came into my mind.

Belle, come into my office. Bring Gracey with you.

"Gracey. My aunt wants to talk to us." I said.
She stopped and nodded, like she knows what I'm talking about.

"Hermione, we'll be right back. Professor Yang wants to us for the moment." she said to me.

"How do you guys know?" Hermione asked.
"Mind Talking." I replied.

Hermione nodded as in understanding. "Be careful back."

We nodded and rushed into Aunt Gracey's Office.

Gracey and I walked in and saw another person talking to her.
"What is it, Aunt Lucy?" I asked.

"Glad you made it, Belle and Gracey." she said.
"Well, since we're here. What is it?" Gracey asked.

Aunt Lucy smiled and moved aside. Showing....Shen?

"What's he doing here?" I sneered at him.
"Belle, let me explain--" I cut him off.

"Like I'm not listening to you after what you had done to me."
"Belle, at least listen to him." Gracey reassured me.


"After all these years, you have become strong, Belle. The reason why I attack you, I want to see you become a strong ninja. In the past, yes, I was jealous of your Dad, because he had found the one that he loves and had everything. But I didn't.
The Dark Lord made a promise to me, saying that he'll get me the leadership of the Clan. But it never happened.
Then I had enough, The Dark Lord never keeps his promise. I was a fool. I went back to the Jade Palace and asked for forgiveness. Your Father didn't, your brother didn't as well. After a while, everyone forgave me, except you." Shen explained.

I was speechless. "All I ask is for you forgiveness, Belle. I promise to be a great Uncle to you." he said.
I cried and ran up to him. We hugged each other.

"I forgive you."

I could tell he smiled.

We both pulled back and smiled.
"Now, back to the subject, the reason why I summoned you here, because you'll be training under me and Shen." said Aunt Lucy.
"Training?" Gracey asked.

"But we have---" Uncle Shen cut me off.
"Lessons for tomorrow."

"How did you know?" Gracey asked.
"Easy, Lucy told me what has been going on." he replied.

"So, what's the training about?" I asked.
"We're going to be training the both of you about your elements. I know Belle is already there, but Gracey...she needs to practice for that." said Aunt Lucy.

"Really?" Gracey asked. Aunt Lucy nodded.
"We'll start tomorrow after your D.A. meetings. Gracey, you'll be with me. Belle, you'll be with Shen." Aunt Lucy instructed.
We both nodded. "Off you go."

We both walked out.
"This is going to be awesome! Me! Going to learn how to control my elements!" Gracey exclaimed with excitement.
I shook my head at her enthusiasm.
"Come on, Gracey. Let's go." I said.
Another update today! YAY! Enjoy this one!  

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