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As I'm walking through the dark
Blinded by the lack of light
I look up to see the one thing that's certain
The one thing that I can count on
The beautiful sea of stars above me
The one I trust my secrets with
The one that's always there to comfort me
When no one else can

The worst day, the roughest night
There's such a simple way to make it all better
Such an easy way out:
Look up
There's an ocean of stars above you
Even if you can't see them
Covered by clouds
Disguised by sunlight
They are always there
And a great listener
After all, they are known for their ability to grant wishes

Even if nothing goes your way
Even if it seems like your world is falling apart
Just look up
There lies hope among the stars
The little bundles of untouched light
Illuminating the sky
If they can continue to shine from millions of light years away
You can get through your struggles
You can overcome the challenges
You can be the best you can be
And shine just as bright too
The stars are there to guide you

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