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Have you ever wondered what it's like to be drowning, yet still maintain enough compose that nobody notices?
Have you ever pondered about how some people can hardly breath beneath it all, all of the pain and the agony and the stress, but also how you wouldn't even think twice about questioning their metal state?

It feels like suffocation
cotton clogging all airways and preventing anything expect shallow breaths
That just barely teach the surface, let alone anything beneath
The brain running haywire, dreaming up a thousand thoughts per second, leaving you scrambling to catch up, let alone to make sense of it all
The nerves jumping, tingling, causing constant fidgeting, eliminating any chance at staying calm and still
All emotions on steroids, resulting in anger in trivial situations and tears falling whenever you really start to think of what your life's become
You reek of pessimism, which had taken over your thoughts, your being
You deflate yourself with criticism, because you can always do better, you can always be more
Everything and a mind of its own and you're just trying to keep up
Faster and faster it goes
But at the same time, it's also a constant battle between you and yourself, and you don't understand what anything means and your suffocating beneath it all and eventually you just crash and fall
Hopefully there's something left to be salvaged after the impact
Because there's no easy clean-up method

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