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I miss squad, why do you guys never get on anymore? Is it because of exams? I mean, tbh, who needs studying? You can either just get good grades without (preferred method), fail your exams and accept your fate of being a Starbucks barista and hating existence for the rest of your life, cheat, or you could bribe the teacher. Money or other less appropriate routes work for that, if you're okay with doing illegal shit. Is it because you socialize with people irl a lot? Who needs friends irl when you can just get friends on the Internet? So, pls guys, come back. I'm just saying I miss squad a lot. I'm not even talking about one roleplay, I'm talking about everything squad ever did together. ❤️

Also, RIP Alan Rickman. Snape may have been a dick to Harry, but we'll miss you forever. And in 16 or 17 years when I mention how sad I am about Alan Rickman being dead and somebody asks me 'After all this time?' You know what I'll say? 'Always.' ❤️

Exactly, this hurts.
I mean I really got tangled into the know which one I'm talking about. Mainly because it is my first one •_•. And all these plots, fantamazing ideas and shamazing jokes it was so much fun I miss it. I feel alone on this but obviously I'm not ↑. Still, why can't we continue? Make new plots?
I missed how Maya and Griffin were tied together and Cody fought his way in between....
I miss how Sam and Crystal were so great and it all broke with the cause of one killing drug...
I miss how Mark and Alex were shamazing friends and we all liked picking flowers...
I miss how we savoured the time with Florence before she died in an explosion...
I miss how Sam and Mark were good fighter partners...
I miss how good Alex and Crystal were, how Crystal tried to keep Alex off the thoughts of Max...
How Crystal tried to get it on with Colby but he plays it hard to get e.e ....
How Jax fell on the floor peeing, ah, good times..
I miss how Crystal seeks Sam like Aileen and Alex can't find someone to pick flowers with...
I miss how it all just started simply with Colby, Cody, Crystal, Alex, and Griffin, and grew further causing more drama.
I miss their funny jokes, amazing times, sad times, deaths, murders, escapes...

I miss it all



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