[3] The Bruise

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Aphmau POV
I walked out of Garroth's room without asking i HAD to go talk to Vylad.....He was the only one who knew..... I walked in to Vylad's room without asking an he looked around to see me and ran up to hug me "Aphmau so glad to see you what brings you here" he says happily "Vylad Im your new personal maid so am i your brothers maid" "How come your a pri-" before he finished his sentence i stopped "Vylad shhh no one can know your father threatened me with killing my people if i didnt obey his orders, and also you cant tell no body we knew each other before i came here please" i says sadly "Fine Aphmau but just know I'm always in your side"
He hugs me and I hear someone open the door

Garroth POV
"Ummmm so whats happening here" i asked confused "Oh uhh I almost fell and Vylad caught me and u thanked him with a hug" Aphmau says smiling "Yea Garroth now can you please get out my room me and Aph were having a conversation" my brother says "Aph!?" I asked even more confused they acted if like they knew each other "Plus no i need Aphmau to come help me in some things" i grab her wrist leading her to my room....I hear my brother scream "BRING BACK APHMAU OR ELSE" i run quicker and pick her up bridal style and take her to my room.....
I guess i was a little jealous that i saw my brother and Aphmau hugging

"Ow" she says "Im so sorry its just.." Before i could finish my sentence she says "Listen Prince Garroth may you please let go my wrist it hurts"...I let go an see its all red I run to my first aid kit in my room and try to heal it before i was back it was healed already....its like she had magiks or something...."Oh your bruise is healed" i say "Yea now can i go talk to your brother Vylad we didnt finish our conversation" shes says madly "Do you guys know each other....you guys seem close" "No we havent met i was just introducing myself to him
Like i did to you.....well then may i go now" "Yes you may after you finished talking to him go introduce yourself to Zane" "As you wish"
She walks out the door
I still couldn't get over how her bruise healed quick she was truly special and I had to figure out why and how.....

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