[7] The Hut

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Garroth POV
As i walk to Cadenza's and Laurence's home i see them talking i turn away to walk off but then i heard Laurence speak "Hey Garroth may we have a word in private" "Yea sure Laurence"
They walk to a tree
"Garroth you need to not like Aphmau" he says in a mad tone "Why Laurence you jealous i can take her away from you" i say with a smirk "NO!!! First of all your getting married to MY sister and second of all you should be a great friend who respects my love for her i showed her to you an you took no interest so why now!!" He says "Look Laurence i know I'm getting married to your sister but i don't love her"
Laurence takes out a sword and puts it at Garroth's neck

Aphmau POV
I was doing my daily rounds then i see Laurence holding a sword at Garroth's neck "LAURENCE" i scream.....he turns an faces me "Aphmau uhh ummm" he says he couldn't speak....I see Garroth push him off him and say "Laurence whats wrong with you" they start to fight and i break them up "GUYS THIS IS NOT A WAY TO ACT LIKE!!" "Now Garroth you follow me and Laurence you go with your sister"i say madly "BUT APHMAU Im your boyfriend Garroth should be going with Cadenza she's Garroth's fiancée" Laurence says "Lady Aphmau i need to tell you something"

Garroth POV
"Lady Aphmau i need to tell you something" i say and pick her up bridal style i hear Laurence in the back saying "GARROTH YOU WILL BE DEAD WHEN YOU COME BACK" "Garroth why did you grab me" she says politely she wasn't mad i was surprised we ended up at a beautiful beach that had a little hut i put her inside and explain...

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