Chapter 1.

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"Rebecca I am not going to ask you again, please get down here. You are going to practice whether you like it or not! None of the other girls get to skip, everyone else on your team goes every damn day and they don't complain about Kent half as much as you do! I don't understand why you find him so dreadful, I think he's kind of cute."

Gag. Even bringing up my my dick of a basketball coach makes me want to barf. He's in his 60's and she thinks he's cu-- no I can't even finish the thought, otherwise I would blow chunks all over my room. I've semi-learned how to ignore her comments, I swear she says these things trying to get a reaction from me when really it just extremely pisses me off. 

"I'm coming! Stop yelling at me!" Who in their right mind would like Kent oh wait thats right, my mother of all people. Kent is the most repulsive man I have ever met, if you would even consider that balding, heartless thing a man. My mom was so clueless she has no idea what the hell goes on in those practices, she barely even goes to my games. Sometimes she is so unbelievably gullible, I swear she believes everything she hears, even if it contradicts what I tell her. She will believe a man she's talked to maybe 10 times over her own daughter. 

I absolutely hated going to basketball. Kent would scream at us all the time and for the most ridiculous things, such as, "REBECCA WHY ARE YOU WEARING PINK SOCKS! REBECCA DIDN'T YOU WASH THE JERSEY'S?!" Again...the most ridiculous things. After each practice there was at least one girl walking away sobbing. I was pretty used to his yelling by now but for the upcoming freshmen they were fresh meat for him to prey on, and those girls would never recover from whatever insults he spat out to get under their skin. I still remember the terrible words he screamed at me from five years ago. 

Today was just like every other day, I eventually got myself out of bed against every nerve in my body and drove to practice. When I was younger and had to go to basketball I would cry and sob to my mother on the way there desperately trying anything to earn some pity from her in order to stay home. I still didn't want to go now even as a junior in high school, but tears don't get me out of practice anymore. Hell it barely worked back then. 

The practices took so long and in the dead of the summer the gym got scorching hot inside. In order to  save money for the school corporation over the summer time they wouldn't turn on the air conditioning and because only crazy people spent their summers at school, AKA me, it didn't make sense to cool the entire school for the handful of people that would actually be there. Yes, we have a real upstanding school corporation. I would hope that they are saving some major bucks if we always have to melt in the gym all summer long.

Today I walked out of the gym drenched in sweat as always and I saw Logan walking 20 feet ahead of me in the parking lot going towards his car. He was my best friend and played basketball too, but he was just a tad better than me. His coach absolutely adored him because he has the "golden arm".  Logan never got in trouble at practice, if he missed a shot his coach would just tell him to keep shooting and that he would get the next one. If I missed I shot I would be yanked off the court and run lines for the entire next week. I wish I was Logan sometimes he has such an easy life I am usually quite jealous. Then again he's the lucky one because he gets to be friends with me.

"Hey dick face! Get over here!"

"Woah wassup bitch? Someones in a testy mood today." He walked over and put his arm around me and pretended to give me a noogie allowing the wafting stench from his armpits to engulf me. I punched him in the side so he would finally release me and I would breathe clean, unpolluted air. He smelled awful then again so did I, so it shouldn't bother me this much.

"You still going to that gay ass concert in a few weeks?" He will forever give me crap for falling in love with a boy band. 

"Stop right there Logan! It's a One Direction concert... Did you hear me? ONE DIRECTION!! And they are not gay. Harry and I messed around a bit last night and I'll tell you right now that man is completely straight. AE OH!"

"In your know, you really are a classy lady Becks. Anyways, can I come over for dinner tonight my moms working late."

"Uh oh. Does that mean you guys are fighting again? 

"Stop. I don't want to talk about it."

After clearing my throat from that awkward encounter I finally said, "Yeah of course come over around 6, I think we're having spaghetti."

"Seriously we had spaghetti last week. Just kidding. I love whatever your mom makes."

We walked towards our respected parking spaces and drove home.

It was five o'clock now so I had time to go home and take an ice cold shower before Logan got here. It was July and at least 80 degrees out still at 5 PM. I couldn't wait another week for this concert I was just so excited! This was my reward for all of my hard work these past couple of years. For enduring the yelling and name calling. Even though my seats are the ones right in front of the lawn which are in the very back some how I was convinced my friends and I were going to meet the band. Somewhere in my messed up brain I had this impossible fantasy of them spotting me in the crowd and asking me to come backstage. 

Through my mom's travels during her divorce with my father she happened to meet her current best friend Timmy who happened to be a very wealthy and gay DJ. We were supposed to fly up to NYC to stay with him for a week, but it was the same week as the concert and there was no way in hell I was about to miss that. 

When I walked into the kitchen my mom was making dinner and had an unusual smile on her face.

"So Becca I've been talking to Timmy about something." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"What, are you guys getting married or something?" I slumped down at the island opening up a much needed cold water bottle. It's completely obvious that he is all for the male genitalia but for all of the shit that my mom gives me, joking about her being in a relationship with him is the one thing I can give her shit for. 

"Rebecca Waters shut your mouth!! He is just my friend! Damn child who raised you...I was saying, I told him we couldn't go see him next week because you were seeing this boy band you LOVE so much and you wanna know what he said?!"

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