Chapter 10.

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I walked back down the same hallway as I had before the concert to meet One Direction once again. I showed the guard my pass and he let me right in. The boys were running around still buzzed from the concert. They all turned as I walked in.

"BECCA!!" They all screamed. "how'd you like the show?!" Harry ran over and gave me a huge bear hug, the kind where he picks you up and spins you around in circles for awhile.

"You guys were amazing!" I hugged him back, but he didn't release right away when he let my feet touch the floor.

"Oh sorry." He blushed and let go, still keeping his arms around my waist keeping me close.

We all sat on those same couches as before reminiscing about the concert. They were still all excited and Louis couldn't seem to calm down at all, it was obvious they were very proud of of the hard work they had done. The conversation started to boil down after awhile and the other boys went elsewhere leaving Harry and I alone to talk. We were sitting relatively close and he had his arm over my shoulders not letting me go. He knew he had me hanging on every word he said.

"So Becca, the boys and I are going out to eat soon you wanna tag along." he said while braiding my hair between his fingers.

"Well I would, but I came here with my friends and they're waiting for me out there." I can't believe I just turned down Harry Styles for Logan and Max.

"Bring them along! Tell them I'm paying."

"Are you sure Harry I mean these guys eat a lot and after sitting at this concert for so long...they'll probably get everything on the menu."

"I insist. Go get them." You could see it in his eyes that Harry would not be said no to in this situation.

What was I thinking having Max and Logan come with?! Harry is obviously in to me I mean how many fans does he invite out to dinner? Max is going to be so jealous I mean I did kind of turn down his offer of being his girlfriend, but that was all joking! But Harry, holy shit, he's amazing. He doesn't see me as that athletic girl who always focuses on sports, he doesn't know see me as the girl thats already taken by Logan just because we "look" so good together, and we would be some sort of power couple. Harry doesn't judge me like that.

That is how everyone at home sees me though. Whenever I see my parents friends at the store they always say "Hey Bec I saw ya in the paper again, come on you can run that 100 meter dash just a little quicker!" of course they were all joking, but I was tired of it. Harry will never see that part of me...hopefully.

Harry and I stood up and he gave me a hug as if I was leaving forever. He pulled me in gently then increased the pressure as to make sure I wasn't slipping away. We released each other at the same time accept he pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Sorry Becca I just had to kiss you before this night was over." I was in heaven Harry Styles had just kissed me.

"I-I uhhh," I had no words to say I was just smiling from ear to ear. He took that as my response and I left him to get the stuff he had brought back stage. I just stayed standing in that same position like a statue wanting to capture this moment forever.

I walked down the hallway to get the boys. They were both sitting on the ground leant up against the wall asleep. I walked over and rustled Logan's hair.

"Wake up!! We're out to eat with the guys!"

"Five more minutes." Logan mumbled.

I looked back down the hall and there came my knight in shining armor carrying a bullhorn. Of course they would have one of those back stage who doesn't. He handed me the horn to wake up the guys.

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