chapter 3.

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"Becca would you stop hogging the puffy paint there won't be enough blue left for me!!" Delanie squealed. We decided to create our own shirts for the concert rather than just buying one that millions of other girls would be buying.

"Ohhh sorry D, but I used it all. It looks like you'll have to find your own damn blue paint." I chuckled to myself, but nobody else seemed to get my sarcasm. "Come on guys lighten up, just because Logan's coming doesn't mean it won't be a fun weekend."

"Don't you get it Becca," Stella questioned "we're not friends with Logan, we don't get along with him, we won't be able to be ourselves because we'll have to watch what we say around him. You're just going to be strapped to his side and not even talk to us. Look Delanie and I were thinking that maybe you guys go to the front row seats and we'll just go back to our other ones."

"Are you guys serious? Your going to give up front row tickets to our favorite band in the whole world just because you're mad I invited Logan?!"


"Save it. Screw you guys. Get out of my house." I couldn't even look up at them. I just sat on the floor with my legs crossed staring at my semi completed shirt. Logan could NOT find out about this. If he knew he was the reason that the girls were going back to the original seats, it would break his heart.

Who the hell gives up free front row tickets?! I mean it's not like they would have to talk with him or anything during the concert we would just be focused on the show anyways this is why I needed a male friend.


"REBECCA GET DOWN STAIRS NOW!!!!" my mother screeched, I went through sudden deja vu. 

What did she want? It is fucking 6:30 AM! The day I turn 18 I am out of here and never coming back. Logan and I actually planned it all out. We are going to move to Indianapolis and go to college at IUPUI and work in sports, meet famous athletes, and become rich. Logan was going to be a professional basketball player and I was going to be his agent through it all. We couldn't wait to be away from our parents and most of all Clayton, Indiana.

Clayton was the kind of small town where everyone knows everyone else's business. We had wanted to get away because in the towns eyes we were the perfect couple who were eventually going to have superstar kids that were 7 feet tall. Since Logan was 6'8" and I was 6' I could see why people would think that, but I didn't want to have to hear their comments every time we went to get take out Chinese after practice. That is why we wanted to get out of our town and start new lives somewhere else where nobody knew us.

Because people always confronted us about being the perfect couple we decided to never really hook up. It was kind of pride thing, with everyone saying that we agreed to never go out, sometimes it was hard I kind of like him now but I could never tell him he would be too creeped out..

I went down stairs to see what the hell my mother had wanted and standing before me was the guy that had made my dreams come true.

"TIMMY?! What are you doing here?"

"Well darling, your mother told me about what happened with your little girl friends, and them ditching you. So your mother already knows, but I got you a surprise and you can't know about it yet."

"What are you talking about?" I asked while yawning "Why can't you just tell me now?"

"I can't tell you, but you will absolutely love it and you will find out about it eventually... I know how persuasive you are. Well I can't stand this tiny town any longer, it makes me want to vomit. Yes offense. I have to leave for Chicago right away. See you later darling." He kissed my hand as he walked out the door not saying another word.

"Mom will Logan be okay with the surprise? Like he won't be left alone or embarressed or anything?"

"Actually Becca he already knows. I texted him about it this morning and he knows not to tell you. He knows how important this is to you so he knows how great it will be to finally see your reaction. Rebecca you better hold on to that boy because you won't find another one like him."

"Mom would you shut up we're not ever going to date do you hear me?"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah what ever you say..." she said sarcastically.

It was 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning. What was I supposed to do now? Its not like anybody was going to be awake for me to text. Mom did say she texted Logan this morning so he must be up.

I snuck out of the house in my black t shirt, track shorts and UGGS. I had to climb a tree to get to his window. Logans mom wasn't to keen on letting Logan have girls alone in his bedroom. Sometimes she wouldn't even let me into the house because she was convinced that me coming over all the time meant we were having sex everytime I showed up at the door. That is why we figured me climbing this tree was much easier.

I climbed into the window landing softly on the carpet. Sure enough Logan was laying in bed on his laptop doing only God knows what, but who knows.

"Okay give it up Logan, what's the surprise?"

"I 100% know what you are talking about and I will never tell you. No matter what you do to me." he said seductively. Even though we said we weren't going to date this didn't keep him from always making sexual jokes towards me all the time. And because it was me, his best girl friend and we knew each other better than ourselves, and it only egged him on more.

"Yeah no thanks you pervert. Just tell me already I'll do anything!!"

"Anything...?" He asked obviously some devious plan was cooking in that hot head of his.

"You have to..."

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