Chapter 16.

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Our lives went on the way they were supposed to for another few weeks. I mostly hung out with Riley and Logan the whole time. Harry and the guys went on doing their tour; he flew to Laporte any chance he got just to see me. I loved getting texts from him every day he was always so sweet, he always made sure to keep in contact with me so we never lost touch.

I was very excited to hear he was flying me out to Miami, Florida for the weekend since he couldn't make time to come. My flight was leaving in an hour and I couldn't wait any longer to see my superstar of a boyfriend. Word had gotten out about us and my life was quickly changing. People were hounding me wherever I went for his and my own autograph. Some people were being very nice to me and others hated my guts.

The airport was very packed so I had my hair in a messy braid with sunglasses on. I got through security fine and was reading my book in one of the corner waiting seats. There was a thud next to me; someone obviously sat down right there when hundreds of seats were open. I didn't look up for fear of being recognized.

"That a good read there?" An Irish voice spoke to me. Are you kidding me, I would know that voice anywhere.

"What are you doing here Niall?"

"Well that's not a very kind welcome! Harry was busy at the recording studio today and so he sent me all the way over here so I could fly all the way back to Miami making sure that you got to him safe."

"Really and did you volunteer for the job?" This was to perfect...for him.

"Actually I suggested it. Pretty great huh?"

"Tell me Niall what are you doing here I don't like all okay? Do you understand me? Because right now you're just staring."

"You don't have to be so harsh about it geez." I went back to reading my book hoping he would shut up. They couldn't let us onto the plan fast enough, what are the chances we had seats right next to each other? I really just wanted to sit next to somebody who slept the whole way there, quietly.

"FLIGHT 52 TO MIAMI, FLORIDA IS NOW BOARDING." They yelled over the loud speaker. I got up and walked away not waiting for Niall to catch up. My long legs made the walk very short, but he easily caught up with me.

"Let me see your ticket Niall."

"Okay why...?" I grabbed the ticket; his seat was in first class. I begged for Harry to get me seats in coach. I didn't want him to waste his money on seats that I'm only in for two hours.

"Good you're in first class adios!"

I sat down in my empty row for two, I was sure it would start to fill in soon. Since I was first there I grabbed the window seat. My favorite part on plane rides was watching out the window and listening to music. I was right when I knew people would fill in. An old lady sat in the seat next to me and kept coughing. Seriously? This was going to be a long flight.

The plane took off and we were in the air long enough so everyone could get up and walk around. I rummaged through my purse to find my Iphone and headphones. I was looking down when I heard the familiar voice once again.

"Excuse me ma'am, but would you mind if I switched seats with you? You see this girl is a good friend of mine and I would hate for her to sit here alone." People were whispering all around I mean it was Niall Horan in coach for goodness sake.

"Now you're that young man from that band! My granddaughter absolutely loves you. I will only switch seats if you give me an autograph for her."

"Yes ma'am I would be happy to." He smiled at the old lady as he wrote the note to her grandchild. After that was over he showed her to her new seat in first class. He returned and sat next to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Why would you sit next to me? I don't want to talk to you." I tried to make this conversation as fast as possible I didn't care if feelings were hurt.

"Because you're my dear friend, I care for your wellbeing, and it was Harry's orders."

"I don't think he would have you go through the trouble of making a little old lady move." He pulled out his phone and showed me a text from Harry. It said, "Keep Becca safe whatever you do don't leave her side."

"Why do guys care so much?" I hoped he knew that was a rhetorical question when I put my headphones in. Best Song Ever came on when I hit shuffle. That was my favorite song of all time I started off every day listening to it in order to wake me up.

He leaned over and pulled out my left headphone and put it in his ear.

"Do you know how disgusting that is?" I wasn't that disgusted by sharing headphones, but the fact that it was Niall and he was so close to me, creeped me out.

"Best Song Ever, huh? Yeah I've heard it a few times."

"Oh really have you?" That was total and complete sarcasm. I knew he wasn't going to stop listening to my music so I plugged in the headphone divider. It allowed two sets of headphones to be plugged into one device. Luckily I had an extra set of headphones in my bag.

I plugged them in and put them into his lap. We sat in silence the rest of the way there. Every once in a while a brave soul would make their way over asking for an autograph. Some asked for pictures, some even asked me for both, but most were just for Niall.

The plane landed and I ripped my earbuds out of Nialls ears. We walked down the terminal after he got my carryon out of the top storage. He carried my bags the whole time. Niall really was a gentleman when he wanted to be other times he just goes around kissing his best friends girlfriend.

We walked around the last corner and there was Harry standing surrounded my bodyguards with flowers in hand. I ran and gave him a huge hug. He didn't let go of me for a very long time. There were tears in my eyes and he wiped them away with a single swipe.

"Bec I'm here it's okay you don't have to cry."

"I know I'm just so happy to see you! I've missed you like crazy!" Niall was just now making his way over to us still carrying my pink and black polka dot carryon. We made our way over to baggage claim, Harry and I hand in hand with Niall trailing behind. The conversations never stopped. Harry got my suitcase and we exited the doors, the limo was waiting for us.

"So Becca you are going to love this. We are going shopping right now to get you some proper football clothes." Harry beamed when he said this.

"Ummm well you were right I love the sound of shopping, but why for soccer clothes?"

"Because we have a pick-up game scheduled for tonight and you are playing with us! Don't worry it'll be fun, it won't be like a structured game at all."

"Okay...sounds fun, I've never played before, but whoever I'm playing against better be prepared to lose." I was all talk in this sport and no game. I seriously had no idea how to play.

The hotel they stayed at was amazing, there were huge rooms with extremely tall ceilings. We only stopped in to drop the bags off and we left for the mall again. The closest sports store was Dick's Sporting Goods. That was one of my favorite stores by far.

Harry and Niall got me set up with black soccer shorts, a lime green v-neck athletic shirt, shin guards, long socks, a Live Strong sports bra, bright blue compression shorts, and hot pink soccer cleats. The shoes were my favorite. They made me try it all on at once and they took a picture of me posing with my arms crossed looking tough. I looked like a bad ass soccer player at the end. Harry posted the picture on Instagram, with the caption "My BA GF, I've taught her well." I didn't even look at it on my phone; I didn't want to see the rude comments. Harry read me all of the good ones, at least most of them.

Louis and Liam were texting me with different meme's for the picture. Some were pretty funny and others were down right perverted. This so far was an amazing day, if only Niall could just act normal around me that would be great. I was starting to get nervous for the big match tonight. I was hoping to just stick by Harry and never leave his side, but who knows I might get the hang of it.

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