Chapter 13.

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"Excuse me, ma'am I'm looking for Rebecca Waters please?" I asked the nearest nurse, I had burst through the emergency room doors like a crazy man hoping anyone could help me.

"Yes her room is right over here, she's been asking about you Mr. Styles." The lady led me down a series of hallways until I finally found her in bed hooked up to tons of IV's and machines that couldn't all be necessary.

"Becca! I'm so sorry I got here as soon as I could, our manager wouldn't let me leave until I snuck out this morning. What happened did Luke do this to you? Where is he I swear I will beat the shit out of him if he touched you!" I grabbed her hand and assured her multiple times that I would do anything to make her happy.

"Harry calm down it's okay." She giggled, why is she giggling in a time like this? "First I would like to introduce you to my sister Riley." She was sitting in a guest chair with her chin propped in her hand.

I didn't even see her sitting in the corner. "Hi it's a pleasure to meet you." I extended my hand still not let go of Becca.

"The pleasures all mine Harry." She blushed. Okay they looked like twins, why hadn't Becca mentioned her? She would have told me if she had a twin sister right? I guess we have only known each other two days, there might not have been enough time to tell me.

"Harry focus," Becca prompted me. "Listen so I was in a basketball game back in February and I got a pretty bad concussion, when I was going for a rebound a huge girl just laid me out. Her elbow came down on my head, and she pretty much crushed every bone in my body. We both fell and my head hit floor so in was like two concussions for the price of one. I passed out immediately, they think my brain didn't heal right and that injury may be the reason I passed out last night."

I felt faint, I slumped down in the chair behind me. I had no idea what to think about all of this I mean I didn't know anything about this kind of stuff. "Have you passed out like this before? Could you die from this?"

"Yeah a couple of times. They had me on medication that worked for about a month, but i dont know it just stopped working." I noticed she decided to avert my question about her death.

This was all my fault she could have passed out anywhere and hit her head again, se is so lucky Luke was there .

"Miss Waters?" Both girls said yes when Dr. Inn walked in the room. "uh Rebecca... Waters. You are free to go there are no problems we got the MRI's back and for now you can pick up this medicine at the font desk and let's know if there are any problems."

"Thank you Oh and Doctor could you change the emergency contact number to my sisters here?"

"Yes of course."

Riley left the room to talk to the doctor and let Becca change clothes. She just turned the other way and put her clothes on, I wasn't complaining but she needed to hurry up and fill me in on some more details here.

"Okay what the hell why didn't you tell me any of this!"

"What that I had a sister? It's not that big of a deal."

"Uhh yes it kind of fucking is Becca. Not just about your sister, but all of this! I thought we were going somewhere I mean didn't you feel it? You didn't just think that after this show in Chicago tonight we would just go our separate ways did you?!"

"You want the story? Okay here it is. Her name is Riley obviously, we are sisters as you already know, she is one year ahead of me, we were the best of friends, she always looked out and cared for me when my parents would fight. Our parents got divorced when I was seven, Riley was eight, my dad got custody of her, my mom got me. My parents hate each other so much they can't even talk on the phone, it got so bad my dad moved half way across the country, Riley is 18 now and and I am 17. She is legally an adult andmoved back into town. I finally have her back too myself and I'm sorry I never mentioned her to you because it's all kind of a touchy subject and I barely know you so there it is. Please let me know if you want to know more because I would be happy to tell." Tears were in her eyes none fell and her voice never cracked, but she was still very hurt about everything that happened between her parents and Riley.

"Bec I'm so sorry that I pushed you to tell me I-I didn't know it had hurt you so badly." I pulled her in for a hug and she didn't resist, her head went into my chest we sat there until she decided to talk again.

"You wanna know why I had them put Riley as my contact?"

I didn't answer, but it was understood that I had wanted an answer.

"They tried calling my mom probably 5 times. It turns out she was on a date and didn't want to be rude and answer the call during dinner. They happened to call Riley and she was going to surprise me at home, but got the call and had to rush over here. My mom didn't even call back, she just left me here."

Becca I'm sorry, but that will never happen to you again. You have Riley and me and the rest of the guys who are all crazy about you and you will never be alone ever again do you hear me?"

"I know" she hugged me tighter then Riley walked in.

"Okay sis lets go home."

"Oh Riley if you don't mind I'm going to run her past my place, she has some clothes over there." I interjected.

"That's fine I'll follow you there."

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