Chapter 4.

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"No I will not do that!!" I hissed through my teeth. I didn't want Mrs. Dame to know I was here, but I still wanted to get the point across that I was not doing this terrible thing.

"Do that and I'll tell you the surprise, but nothing less."

"Fine I'll do it... give me his number I'll set it up." I said defeatedly.



What the hell did I just do?! Ever since 8th grade my best guy friend really liked Becca and she always turned him down. His name was Max and he was a major dick but some how chicks found him irresistible, all except Becca. Every girl in school wanted to be with him, but he only had eyes for Becca.

Us three always used to hang out and it was fun back in middle school, but then Becca got hotter, really into her sports, and VERY popular. In 8th grade I remember Max and I fought to see who could ask her out first and Max had won. He asked her out making this huge scene at lunch and bringing in flowers and making a big ordeal about asking her to go to the movies with him. Being a middle schooler this really creeped her out and she never spoke to him again. I never did ask her out because I actually wanted to stay friends with her, I figured talking to her every day even if it was in the friend zone was better than never talking to her and her knowing my true feelings.

Since middle school I've been holding on to this. This burden of me just wanting to hold her in my arms, but we made that pact to never be together. I would rather be friends with her and hug her everyday rather than her resent me forever. Who knows, her feelings have probably changed, but if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way  could lose her forever just like Max. Max never stopped fighting for her, he sometimes tries to text her or get her girl friends to talk him up to her. Let's just say nothing has worked.

I thought she would say no to the date with Max in return for the surprise, but she accepted. I walked her right into his arms. Max could have any other girl with the snap of his fingers and he had to pick my Becca. I don't ever remember him dating a girl. I mean yeah he fucked girls all the time, but he was always waiting for Becca. Waiting for her to call and now I have led her right to him.

We always hang out together me and Max and he always askes about her. In a way he's always been jealous of me getting to be her best friend and not him. It was always fun when we were all friends because Max and I were always at least a foot taller than her. We always took little group pictures all the time and always made her stand in the middle so we would tower over her.

I used to have all of the pictures hung on my walls, but Becca said it had made her uncomfortable seeing Max everywhere. Naturally I did what ever made her happy and took them down. What would Max do to her on the date? Would she let him get inside her pants? Would she end up dating him? Would they end up falling in love and getting married? I couldn't let this happen, Becca could NOT go on this date with him.



I sat down really close to Logan on his super comfortable memory foam bed. I sat there for about a minute before I realized he hadn't been replying to me."Logan? Whats wrong your spaceing out." I leaned closer to him to feel his forehead, jokingly checking for a fever. He jerked his head away from me and refused to make eye contact.

"So when is this date gonna be huh? Logan! Your not listening to me at all!" I playfully punched his muscular arm. This time he had to jump out of bed the minute I touched his arm, he paced around the room in his black boxers searching for a shirt to slip on. 

I got up out bed and stood close behind him as he slipped on a similar black t-shirt, I gently laid my hand on his arm hoping he would talk to me. 

"Logan, what's wrong you're starting to scare me..."

"Okay Becca you can't do that you can't just touch me like that and stand so close to me, it's not like we're dating or anything. Damn it you drive me crazy some times." His raised voice caused movement downstairs. 

At the same time we both heard footsteps coming up the stairs. We both snapped our heads toward each other. "FUCKING HIDE BECCA DON'T JUST SIT THERE!!" He hissed through his teeth.

I ran to hide in his closet and stood in the very back where his long dress shirts and pants covered my legs as I crouched down. Lets just say that was one of my many hiding spots in this house.

While I awaited his devilish mother to arrive I contemplated what had just happened. He never had a problem with me being in his room while he was changing, hell he's seen me in less, I don't know what could have brought this on. 

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