Chapter 15.

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I awoke 30 minutes later in the training room and Logan filled me in on what happened while I was knocked out. Apparently Peter had gone completely out of control, something like he literally screeching in people's ears and spitting on children. Peter started throwing punches at anyone that came towards him. When Peter had started yelling at me the first time, Logan said that Harry had jumped up and had started making his way to me as fast as he could, they were sitting on the complete other side of the gym and that was why he was delayed getting to me.

When Logan ran back into the gym to get Riley the whole gym was in a massive brawl. Riley was pinned in a corner and when Logan brought her back she said that Jackie was hitting people to tried to hit her dad which made the other players hit them, and it became a huge mess. The police were on their way apparently, I have been in here for over half an hour and they still were not here. I could have died by the time they showed up.

Eventually the cops arrived and the witnesses told them what happened between me and Peter. They arrested Peter, and came into the training room looking for me. Jackie, Peters daughter said I had provoked him and it was all my fault, so they had to take me to the station for questioning.

"Excuse me, no you can't take her she has to go to the hospital right now." Riley was not about to back down against these police men.

"Don't worry ma'am we will have her at the hospital right after we question her. It will only take about 10 minutes at the max.

"Fine, but not a minute over do you hear me?!"

I started to stand up, and all of the blood rushed to my head which made me wobble back into the chair. Harry had his arm around my waist, under my arms and ended up just carrying me to the squad car. Having to get into a police car was already humiliating so I was relieved when Harry got in to. With all of the commotion his hideous wig had been lost somewhere, and there were pictures being taken everywhere of us in the police car.

"Well this brings back some good memories..." Harry smiled and slightly looked away, but not enough to where I couldn't see the goofy smirk on his face.

"Wh-what are you serious?" I was shocked to hear that he had been in this position before.

"Nah I'm just kidding it sure is fun back here though." I was relieved that I wasn't dating an ex-criminal.

When we got to the station it was very bare and it quite lonely, it was no wonder that nobody liked this place. The least they could do was put some art work up or have some nice colorful sofa's to make it look inviting. The officer and I went into a private room and talked for exactly 10 minutes. The questions weren't that bad either it was just about what happened, what did Peter say to me, about my history with Peter, the obvious question of was it a sexual relationship and is that why he was angry with me, and then lastly they asked about my concussions. I had to tell them about how my first concussion happened, about me passing out, and how Peter hit me in the exact same spot as where I got hit the first time.

"Thank you for your time Miss Waters." They were very polite to me the whole time, which I was grateful for because if they were rude I would not have been in the mood to take anymore shit, and would have ended up having to stay the night in a cell or worse.

We were all walking out to the cars in the parking lot. It was a nice temperature outside for a summer night, I could have sat and talked for hours. Harry and I walked a few feet ahead of Riley and Logan just so we could talk for the few seconds we had of partial privacy.

"Becca I was wondering if, since you guys are here and you obviously are not playing any of your games tomorrow, you, Riley, and Logan wanted to stay the night in my hotel suit. The rest of the guys are coming over tonight so it would be fun for us all to have a little party."

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