Chapter 8.

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Logan took me to Sophia's House of Pancakes in the next town over. This must be important because this was my favorite breakfast place in the whole word. Nobody ever took me there because I ordered so much, but hey Logan was paying.

"Whats going on Logan? My favorite diner, you're paying, you drove, and you wouldn't let me pay for gas."

"Can't I just take my best friend to breakfast. You are my best friend right, or no have I been replaced?" Logan looked away, he knew that was what was going to break my heart and it did.

"Logan, are you jealous of Max? Are you jealous that he gets to kiss me when ever he wants and you could have been doing that all along, but you haven't because you were thinking of sparing my feelings and our friendship? Logan at some point you should've just grown some balls and told me." I had suspected his feelings all along, but I was not expecting what was about to come out of his mouth next.

"BECCA YOU DON'T EVEN NOTICE ME ANYMORE!! I have been there for you for how many years, then Max walks back in after so-so years and now he's your makeout partner?! What about me? Huh? Have you ever thought about me like that? That should be me with you not Max."

I was speechless. What was I supposed to say to that? I couldn't tell him I've been waiting for him to say that forever because I haven't. I wasn't waiting for him because after a while I had to give up on him.

"Logan, I-I'm sorry you feel that way." I couldn't look him in the eye. "You had your chance-"

"Excuse me?"

I looked at him dead on. "YES LOGAN YOU HAVE! I HAVE ASKED YOU BEFORE HOW YOU FELT ABOUT ME AND EVERYTIME YOU SAID WE WERE JUST FRIENDS. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT BROKE MY HEART AND NOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO COME HERE ONCE I FIND A GOOD GUY AND TELL ME THAT?!?!" The air was let out of my lungs and I barely got the next words out of my mouth. "Finally I am happy Logan. I found someone who truly likes me and is willing to hold my hand in public and not walk 5 feet away like you. Why can't you accept that. I'll just find my own way home." I stood up not all knowing what I was doing or where I was going to go.

"Rebecca wait..." I kept going. "Damn it Rebecca turn the fuck around!" Nearly everyone was staring at us now. "Timmy got you a back stage pass to meet One Direction you went on your date and I never got the chance to tell you."

Inside I was overjoyed, but I had to stay mad at him on the outside. Logan was truly the kindest person I knew and he cared about me more than anyone else I knew, even my own mother. I couldn't stay mad at him forever, but I can for now because he needed to have time to cool down and think about all of the stuff he just laid on me in a 10 minute time period.

I walked out the door crying realizing I had lost my absolute best friend. I couldn't call Max because that would ruin their friendship also. I decided to walk home instead. By car it was only 15 minutes so it couldn't be that bad by foot.


I'm so stupid what have I done. She'll never take me back after this. This went so much differently in my head. How could things go this wrong?

TEXT FROM: Max a million

Hey bro we need to meet up I gotta ask you something.

TEXT TO: Max a million

Come to Sophia's House of Pancakes I'm just chilling here I guess.

I sat there waiting for Max to come. He can't know what I had said to Becca, he would hate me. I really hate him, but he doesn't know that so I'll just have to conceal it. Then like always Max walked in making an entrance.

"Hey you, are you Sophia?!" Max yelled pointing to a waitress. She just shrugged and walked away. She's obviously heard that one too many times. Max and I made eye contact and he began to walk over giggling like a little girl at his own joke.

"Hey Max what's up man?"

"Nothing really I just had some questions about Becca." He said sheepishly. Are you kidding me he's bringing up Becca now? Little does he know, she was just here 15 minutes ago.

"Ummm okay, but what makes you think I know all the answers?" I did have all the answers, but I didn't want him to know them. I liked being the only person in the world knowing everything there was to know about Rebecca Waters.

"Dude you're her best friend and everyone knows it to. Okay back to business. Does she like surprises and everything... or no?"

"Yeah she says she doesn't, but every time there is a surprise she gets a huge smile on her face and her eyes light up." It didn't even faze Max that I knew all of this sappy stuff about her.

"Okay good to know. So you wanna here my master plan?"

"Uhhh sure." This is going to be good. Watch he'll probably just get her a giant teddy bear or something.

"So you said she likes surprises, right? Well my dad has some rank when it comes to One Direction and during the concert I'm going to have them call her up on stage and I'll come up to and that is where I will ask her to be my girlfriend. She said she wanted to be wowed when I asked her and I think that's it... How's that sound?"

"...wh-what?! Your dad works for One Direction? That... it sounds amazing she'll love it. You're a lucky guy Max." I couldn't hear anymore it was just to heartbreaking. My mind was fuzzy and all I remember was the door slamming on my way out.

Becca will be with this guy forever, I mean One Direction is her favorite band she loves them and to get that close to them to practically be friends with them... Ugh I could never compete with that. I will never have Becca, my time with her has come and gone and I will never get that back.

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