Chapter 6

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Amora leant quietly against the wall where she was sitting on the window seat of her room reading a novel that she had recently purchased when Elijah suddenly walks into the room and start looking in her wardrobe.

This causes her to close the book and sit up looking at him with a slightly raised eyebrow for she was curious as to why he was suddenly going through her clothes like he was on a mission of sorts.

"Umm, what are you doing?" She puzzles at him

Elijah pulls out a laced white dress that had sleeves to the elbow, the one that Klaus' card had generously donated to her and he places it on her bed.

"Get dressed into that and do your hair up nice, we're going to a lunch party," Elijah instructs before leaving the room once more.

This causes Amora to let out a huff and got up from where she was sitting and took the dress into the bathroom, she quickly pulled her long brown curls up into a high ponytail and pinned back her whisps before quickly changing into the dress Elijah had picked for her. She then tied a white bow around her ponytail and started making her way downstairs, as soon as she reached the bottom step she looked up to see Elijah waiting for her by the door.

"So where is this lunch?"

"At Mayor Lockwoods house. Now let's go or we will be late"


Amora let out a small bored sigh as she stood in the corner of the room watching all of the adults socialise amongst each other. She honestly hated these type of events, all of the fake smiling and pretending to be enjoying herself even though she was anything but.  However, she will still play her part as the sweet innocent little sister for Elijah, for the last thing she wants was to ruin her families plan to break Klaus's curse.

Her thoughts were quickly broken when Elijah was waving at her summoning her to stand beside him and the lady he was currently talking to. Amora walked over to them and politely smiled up at her brother as he wrapped her arm around her shoulder. 

"Hello darling, you must be Amora, Elijah has told me a lot about you, I'm Mrs Lockwood." Carol smiles at Amora and holds her hand out for her to shake.

Amora places her hand in hers and shakes it slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Lockwood, I hope it's all the nice things that he has told you." She smiles back at her before letting go of the others hand and places her arm down by her side again. 

"Oh trust me, sweetheart it is, speaking of sweet, why don't you go and try the slices by the table over there?" Carol suggests to her with a nod of her head.

"I will, thank you!" Amora beams up at her and starts moving towards the table.

As soon as her back was turned to them she quickly dropped the smile she had on her face and kept a neutral look on as she reached the table she overheard Damion arrive and being introduced to her older brother. She started to look interested in what types of food had been placed on the table, whilst trying her best to hear the conversation her brother was having. 

However, she was not having much luck as it was hard to hear them amongst the chattering of the others in the room, deciding to give up she grabbed a plate and placed a few random items of sweets on them and stepped outside and sat on a random bench in the garden. For she made up her mind to wait for here until it was time for them to leave and Elijah could tell her what he had spoken about with Damion. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through it, hoping it would help to pass the time whilst she waits.

After about roughly an hour passes by she feels someone behind her and looks up to see Elijah approaching her.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you, come, we've some pressing matters to attend to Amora."  


Later that night Amora stood next to Elijah as she looked at the scene in front of her at the Salvatore house, one random lady and a couple of men, she thought might vampires have strapped Damion to a chair and tied a chain around his neck. She could not help but smile slightly as she thought it was funny to see him like that.

"You know what the great thing about buckshot is? Scatters through the body, maximum damage, where's the moonstone" The lady questions as she holds up a gun to his face. 

"Get over it honey, you're never going to get it," Damion replies to her.

"Looking for this?" Elijah speaks up, causing everyone to turn and face him.

She decides to stay where she currently was and watches, as Elijah walks down to near everyone, was standing and places the stone down on the table closest to him. 

"Go ahead, take it" Elijah permits them

One of the men lurches forward and tries to grab it, only for Elijah to grab him by his heart and rip it out and causing him to drop dead on the floor. This makes Amora grin for she knew they were in for it now. The other two men try to escape but Elijah kills them the same way as well, Amora turns to see the lady run straight past her, allowing her to escape this time around, only to catch the last remaining man alive to cower down to the ground. 

"Where's the girl?" Elijah asks

"How would I know?" Damian responds

This causes Amora to bit her lip and pretend that she did not just allow the lady to escape. 

"Doesn't matter" Elijah states for punching the man hard enough to break his neck.

"Ouch, he will feel that one in the morning" She comments to no one in particular. 

"You realises this is the third time, I have saved your life now." Elijah points after helping Damion get out of the chains before taking the moonstone and grabbing Amora by her head and leading her out of the house. 

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