Part 12

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(Amora is ten)

I sat next to the fireplace, the fire was going out, but it had just enough light, to allowed me to draw in my book, I was drawing a picture of a dog, it looked stupid compared to Nik's drawings, thats why I draw in the early mornings.

I heard a door open, I closed my book and looked around in a panic, where not allowed out of our rooms until later in the morning, Elijah came out of his room, he was dressed and getting ready to go hunting.

"Amora, what are you doing up, if father catches you, you're in big trouble" Elijah whispered.

"I know....I just wanted to draw and there are no candles in my room" I sighed/whispered.

Elijah walked over to me and sat down.

"May I" Elijah asked as he reached for my book.

I nodded and handed him my book. Elijah looked through them and gave me my book back.

"There very good Amora" Elijah chuckled

"They look stupid compared to Nik's"  I sigh.

Elijah got up and grabbed his bow and arrow. "I will be back soon" Elijah muttered and walked out the door.

I sighed and went  back to drawing, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped and turned around, oh no, it's dad.

"Amora, what have I told you about coming out of your room early" Mikael hissed and grabbed my book, "As your punishment" Mikael snapped, he grabbed my book and threw it into the fire.

"NO!" I screamed and tried to get it out, but the fire had already started to engulfed it.

There was a clash of thunder, I shot up, reality hit me, I was still in Jonas's house.

"Damm" I muttered, I was really hoping for something else, oh well.

I looked at the clock, it was four in the morning, I lay back down, I hate my life, everyone leaves me, maybe I should just switch it off, than that way I can't have any feelings, but then when I switch it back on, I have to deal with all the problems I created.

They say when you turn, your personality hitens, well mines, stobourn, kind caring and short tempered. Yep that practically sums, me up. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

It's eleven o'clock when I finally leave the room, I was wearing a grey shirt, yellow checkered shirt, blue shorts and black converses.

I walked into the living room to see Jonas and a boy.

"Well it's about time" Jonas muttered

"Who are you" I ask the boy next to Jonas.

"I'm Luka" Luka explains and pulls out a chair for me.

I walk over and sit in the seat, I look on the table to see random things "What are they for" I ask

"To locate Eliah" Jonas sighed

My eyes lit up, I really wanted to see Elijah.

"Ready Luka" Jonas asked

"Ready" He replied.

I leaned forward in my seat.

"What do you see" Jonas whispered to Lukas.

"I see Elena and Damon on the couch looking at books" Lukas replies

"I'm walking into the basement" Luka mutters

"Well could you get on with it" I snap

"Hush Amora, he needs to concentrate if we are ever going to find Elijah" Jonas snaps.

I just simply role my eyes.

"I'm in the basement, and I see Elijah daggered and his clothes are burnt" Luka says out loud.

I nearly jump out of my seat, those bastards must of daggered Elijah and burnt him, oh there gonna pay for this, dearly.

"I'm pulling out the dagger" Luka says softly. "Elena's fighting me and trying to push it back in" Luka panics.

"Pull it out" Jonas snaps.

"I can't she's stronger than me" Luka hisses.

Thats when I realised that it is not Elena, it's Katherine, that sneaky little bitch 

"Thats not Elena, it's Katherine" I snap.

"Luka, kill her" Jonas hisses. "She's a vampire, find a stake and drive it through her heart" Jonas growls.

Shit, ok I don't want them to kill her, I just want to make her suffer, this is not good.

"Luka whats going on" Jonas demands.

All of a sudden, Luka is on fire, I jump of my seat and stand back, sure I would love to help, but I don't want to get hurt in the process.

Jonas grabs a blanket and wraps it around Luka, I rush over and try to feed him my blood, but it's too late, he's already dead.

"I'm sorry Jona" I whisper and rub his back.

He gets up and leaves, great, now what am I suppose to do, well may as well go burry Luka's body, considering I have nothing better to do.

I grab his body and drag him into the backyard, I grab a shovel and dig a fairly large hole and put Luka's body in it.

"Here lies Luka, a boy who died trying to save my dear brother Elijah" I mumble and walk back inside.

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