Chapter 8

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Amora was currently watching the tv, well more like flicking through the channels as she waited for Luka to come back, as she had some questions for him. She did not have to wait much longer for five minutes later she heard the front door open and footsteps in the hallway, she turned the tv off once more and turned her attention to Luka as he entered the living room.

"I saw you at The Grill today." She points out to get his attention.

Luka stops walking and turns to face her. "You were following me?"

"No," Amora answers as she gets up off the couch and makes her way over to him. "I went there to get a bite to eat and happened to see you there, with the Bennett witch. What's her name?"

Luka could not help but frown at her. "How do you know Bonnie is a Bennett witch?"

"Bonnie, so that's her name and the boy's name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"That doesn't concern you, now answer the question."

After a few moments, Luka finally spoke up. "Jeremy, Jeremy Gilbert."

"Good to know," Amora says as she pushes past him and starts walking towards the staircase.

"Hey! You never answered my question about how you know she is a Bennett witch!"

Amora stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned her head slightly to look in the eyes. "I knew her ancestor Ayana... You should be wise to be careful around Bonnie and her friends" 


The young original was reading a book on her bed when she heard the sound of the front door swinging open and the whoosh of a vampire entering the house. She realised her brother was home and quickly bolted down to greet him and ask him what he was up to today.

When she caught sight of his shirt and the smell of his blood on him, causing her jaw to drop slightly as she felt like a deer in headlights before moving closer towards him. 

"Elijah, what happened?"

"Let's just say that the deal I had with Elena is off," Elijah explains

Her fists curled up into balls as she was now mad at Elena and her friends for hurting her brother. "What can I do help?"


Amora had to blink for a couple of seconds, as she did not expect that answer. "I'm sorry what."

Elijah bent down slightly and kissed her on the forehead. "All you need to do is stay here and I promise to explain everything when I return... Now, go to bed, I need to speak with Jonas."

Before she could even get another word out Elijah had disappeared to Jonas' study. Amora let out a small huff as she crossed her arm in annoyance as she tried to overhear the conversation only to hear Jonas chanting muffled words that did not make any sense to her. 

She decides not to question Elijah and decides to hear up to her room and get ready for bed, for the last thing she wanted to do was annoy her older brother when he is in this mood and trusts that he will explain everything later. 


A few hours had gone by and Elijah had still not returned and now Amora was starting to internally panic, she tried her best to keep her cool, thinking he was either late or still dealing with whatever the issue was. As he had not given her an exact time of when he would return.

She heard movement at the front door and the footsteps downstairs, thinking that her brother has finally returned she scrambles out of bed once again and quickly runs downstairs, only to see Luka.

She felt instantly disappointed. "Where is my brother?"

Luka gives her a puzzled look "He has not returned?"

"No... Now, you're going to tell me where he went and you are not going to leave a single detail out."

The Secret Original *WARNING is going under major editing*Where stories live. Discover now