Part 17

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"ELIJAH" I yell as I burst into through the door, the room rattles loudly but the door does not fall down, demit, oh well next time I will just yank it off and leave Elijah to get it fixed like always.

I feel a slight breeze pass over my shoulder, I could feel someone snatch my bags, I turned around to see Elijah holding my bags and looking through them. I roll my eyes like seriously it's like he has nothing better to do than look through my bags of stuff. I snatch my bags back.

"Ok I have two things to tell you buddy" I snap

Elijah mearly rolls his eyes but then changes and give's me a serious look as if he knew I was mad at him, then again I did kinda pegged the door at the wall, which to my suprise didn't break.

"Number one stop looking through my things" I spat.

Elijah just laughed but I didn't care.

"Two did you know that our brother is back in town and don't you dare lie to me" I growl

Elijah face goes pale, oh my god he did know.

Anger shot through me like a thousand bee's stinging you at once, he knew that our brother is back in town and he never told me, how dare he. It makes me sick to think that my family just keeps on lying to me, my god I am only a child, sure I am a thousand years old but still reality wise, I am just a kid whoes family just continues to lie to me and hurt me, heck we arn't a family any more, we are just aquantances who just happen to shar a blood line.. I wonder what else they had lied to me about. I turn my back to him, I couldn't bare to look at him anymore.

"Mory I am sorry" Elijah pleads and puts a hand over his shoulder.

I yank his hand of my shoulder, how dare he try to touch me after he just admitted to lying to me, how many times will they do this to me.

"Don't you Mory me" I hiss.

Another wave of anger shot through me and glissened in my eyes, he is seriously lucky that I havent bared my fangs yet, otherwise there would be some serious damage to this house.

I heard someone clear their throat, I looked at the door to see Charlotte standing there with her bags in her hands, whoops I was so mad at Elijah that I completly had forgotten that she was there.

"Who are you" Wonders Elijah

"Charlotte" She says quietly.

"Where are my mannors" I sigh

I stand between them but I dare not look at Elijah.

"Charlotte this is my oldest brother Elijah, Elijah this is my best friend Charlotte" I mutter.

"Please to see you again Mr MIkaelson" Charlotte says polightly.

I just simply roll my eyes.

Wait..........they know each other, oh that right at school when Elijah compelled Miss Lines to go home so he could teach the class, stupid school, it is pointless, I learn aboslutly nothing, like seriously nothing. I have even met bread smartter than those stupid people who call themselves teaches.

"Please Charlotte call me Elijah" He smirks and blurs off.

So typical, he is always so straight forward than he just dissapers and acts like he was never there. I shake me head and grab Charlotte's hand and drag her towards the stair case.

"Come on, lets go to my room" I smile and walk up the stairs

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