Part 20

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Charlotte and I are currently walking up the drive way of Jace's house, the nights clod breeze was making my hair dance in the wind as we walked. Elijah was trailing behind us, I look up to the sky to see a full moon slowly rising, oh shit, full moon means werewolves will come out to play, sure I can't be killed by a werewolf bite but I can still feel the venom in my body and the fact the I can still feel a werewolf plunge its teeth into me. I could smell the scent of a clan of werewolves, oh no, I should have known, Jace's family were werewolves and the whole clan is here celebrating his brothers birhtday. Great we have just walked into a lion’s den, great one there Amora and not to mention the fact that you also dragged your best friend and brother into the fire as well.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back, I tense up and was ready to kill the person who grabbed me, how dare they even try to think it let alone grab me, do they know who I am?. NO of course not because I am a secret to protect me from what, I already have plenty of enemy's, what's wrong with having to add a few more to the list. My eyes dart to the person who grabbed me, it was Elijah, I relax immediately, after all he is my brother and he has protect me from the people that want to kill me. Sure my other siblings protect me as well, but I have always no matter what felt more safe with Elijah than my other siblings. By the looks of things Elijah clearly he sensed the werewolves as well.

“Mory, you are aware of what is in that house” Elijah asks with a serious tone.

“Yes I do Lijah, there are werewolves all around the house” I reply trying to mimic his tone, but fail.

Elijah put a smile on his face that quickly disappeared. I rolled my eyes, ok note to sell Elijah hates it when I mimic him, although I have been mimicking him since I could talk, but I do have to remind myself every now and then, just to make sure that I don't go over bored. Heck I still remember my first word I ever spoke towards my family I was five years old, yes I could speak but I never talked, everyone thought I was mute; mainly because everything back then scared me and I thought it was best if I just stayed quiet, how wrong I was.

I sat on the ground in front of my bed, I was carving my name into my bed, it was very messy because I am not good at writing things; especially with the blade that mummy uses to make our dinner with. I was carving the last letter of my name which is the letter A, I plunge the blade into the wood, my hand slips and it cuts my finger.

“Ow” I whisper to myself.

I place my finger into my mouth to try and stop the bleeding, I hear the door open, I scramble up onto my two feet and hid the knife behind my back.

“Amora, there you are” Esther sighs and walks over to me and stands at my height.

“I was so worried, why didn't you answer me when I called” Esther asks.

I look down at my feet with a sad look, I didn't hear mummy calling me, I feel guilty, I disappointed her again, I feel a tear run down my face, that’s all I am a disappointment in everyone's eyes. Mummy placed her thumb on my cheek and whipes the tear away.

“Why are you crying” Esther whispers

I open my mouth but nothing comes out, I want to say something I really do but I can't seem to find the words to make a sentence, another tear runs down my face. Mummy pulls me into a hug, I drop the blade and wrap my arms around her neck and burry my face into her chest. She pulls away after a couple of seconds.

“Amora, why do you my cooking blade next to your bed” Esther wonders.

I move away from my bed to show mummy what I have been doing, I feel small droplets of blood run down my finger. Mummy looks at what I did and I watch her eyes dart to my finger.

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