Chapter 7

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Amora let out a small yawn as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, she made herself a bowl of cereal and moved to sit across from Luka who was doing his homework at the table. She listened for a moment as she ate her breakfast trying to see if Elijah is awake or not but she could not hear anything.

"Where is my brother?"


"Did he say where he was going?"

"No, however, he said that you had the day to yourself and that you need to stay out of trouble and not cause a scene," Luka answers before closing his book, shoving it in his backpack and swung the bag over his shoulder.

Amora watched as Luka started walking towards the entrance of the house. "I'm going to school, have fun with your day!" He called out to her before leaving. 

Amora let out a bored sigh and placed the spoon she was holding back in her bowl and shoved the dish across the table as she was no longer hungry. "What the bloody hell am I going to do with myself?"


The last place Amora wanted to be was at the town hall, 'nother the less she found herself standing in front of that very place. However, she was utterly bored and found nothing better to do than brush up on her history of the town from the past 100 years or so, to find out any information that could help on breaking her brothers curse. Mainly where the witches massacre might be located. 

Amora shook her head and walked up the stairs to the hall and entered the building and started looking around for the records and archives, she was so focused on looking for any documents that she did not hear the sound of heels approaching. 


Her head whipped around at the sound of her name being called out to see Carol Lockwood and internally groaned as she put on her best fake smile as the woman approached her.

"Mrs Lockwood."

"Call me Carol, what brings you to the town hall?"

Whilst she was extremely tempted to just compel Carol to leave her alone, she could help her find out about the town and information about it. "I'm eager to learn about your lovely town, so I thought what better place than the town hall itself."

Carol seemed to buy the lie as the older brunette stuck her hand out for her to take. "Oh, how lovely dear, come I can show you and tell you all the information that you'll ever need to know about this town."

Amora reached out and took Carol's hand, allowing her to lead her deeper into the building. "Someone kill me now." She mutters quietly to herself through her teeth.


After spending half of the day the town hall and to her disappointment finding no information at all. Amora decided to go to The Grill as apparently it was the best pub in town and had decent food as well. As makes her way to the counter to order something to eat, she notices Luka leaning over a table, with a witch she could sense was a Bennett witch and boy. 

Curiosity getting the best of her, she decides to hide behind a large pillar and listen into the conversation. 

"Want to tell me what happened yesterday?" Luka asks the other witch.


"Don't play dumb with me, you both were here!"

"And?" The boy questions.

"And that's all I remember, one minute I'm playing pool and the next I'm waking up in a bathroom stall" Luka points out.

"Sorry, Luka but everything's normal yesterday, I mean I brought you a coffee and we played pool" The witch lies.

"See, I think you're lying," Luka calls her out as the boy stands up and pushes Luka back to create some distance. 

"I think you need to back off."

Amora watches Luka leave the pub and decides that she needs to leave as well before the witch finds her here because the last thing she needed was more supernatural beings knowing she was here in this town. As soon as she stepped out of The Grill she uses her vampire speed to head back to her temporary home. 

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