Part 10

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I walked to the tuckshop and bought a bottle of orange Fanta, than I went back to the grade seven class room that I was in, the kids were drawing on the chalk board, so I decide to sit on the book shelf and start sipping on my drink.

"Okay kids back to your desks" Yelled Miss Lines as she walked back into the room.

My eyes scan the room as kids scramble to their seats as I continued sitting on the bookshelf, I can hear the other kids whispering and muttering things about me, but frankly I am passed the point of caring.

"Olivia, to your desk now" Miss Lines instructed.

I place the drink down and look at her directly in the eyes. "No thanks. And besides, I get a much better view of the board here anyway"

"Get down now" She orders

"No" I persisted and crossed my arms hoping to annoy her completely 

"I wont ask you again get down now!"

"Ok, fine, you didn't have to yell" I give in an raise my hands up as I jump off the book case, grabbing my drink a I make my way down to my seat and sit down, doing nothing but glaring at her.

"Now class today we will be learning about the ring of fire" Miss Lines spoke as she wrote on the wall

"BORING" I shout obnoxiously, purposely disrupting the class, which is my goal after all.

"Young lady" She said loudly

I could clearly see that she was starting to get frustrated with my, I just hope she starts yelling soon, that's when the real fun beings.

"Yes" I ask whilst putting my hands on my face and leaning on the desk

"Where is your materials and the ring of fire is not boring" Miss Lines asked raising a brow at me

"Sorry I did'nt bring my tools I did not know we were going to wield a ring." I answer, truth is, I cannot be asked to write this down, I know everything about the ring of fire. Which is, Tsunami's, Earth Quakes and Erupting Volcanoes. 

"No, I mean your writing materials" Miss Lines sighed rubbing her temples, before going back to writing on the board.

"Psssst can I borrow a pencil and paper" I ask the girl next to me, as I lean towards her slightly.

The girl rolls her eyes at me and and handed me a piece of paper and pencil, I smile at her before turning back to face the teacher.

"Here they are" I yell at her and held them up.

Miss Lines gave a mean look and went back to the board and started writing things down once more. Naturally I decide not to write them down, mainly because I knew everything she was talking about, so I coming to a decision, I just lean back on my chair and stared out the window.

"Kol" I giggled and tapped him on the back

"What is it sister" Wondered Kol

"I have a great idea for a prank" I said with a evil grin

"And spit right in the face out our dear brother Elijah's rule's......I'm in" Kol smirked

"Great, so here is the plan" I whispered

I told Kol the plan and grabbed Rebekah's make up and crept towards Klaus's room, I felt something touch my back, I jumped and turned around to see Kol, I shook my head with a smile. We snea kinto Klaus's room and started smearing his face in Rebekah's make up.

We  quickly sneak out of his room and try to hold in the laughs that were about to burst out of our mouths, for if we laugh, Klaus will know about what we have done to him.

"I can't wait so see our new sister Nikolina" I whisper, giggling quietly, trying not to make too much noise.

"I know, see you in the morning" Kol said and returned to his room, so did I.

Next morning:

Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and I sat at the dining table enjoying delicious eggs, bread and fruit, Nik walked in and look, well what can I say but silly with all that make up on. We all no longer can stay quiet and we all started cracking up laughing. Laughing so hard I accidently fall of my chair. 

"What is going on" Niklaus demanded

"Oh nothing Nikolina" I giggled

"What do you mean" Niklaus hissed

"Here brother" Rebekah laughed and handed him his sliver plat

"AMORA, KOL, YOU'R E BOTH SO DEAD" Niklaus yelled.

Kol and I rushed out of the room and into the backyard where Niklaus chases us for hours.

I started bursting out laughing, I banged my hand on the desk a couple of times and wiped a tear from my eye, because of how hard I was laughing, that day was one of the best days of my life.

"OLIVIA" Miss Lines yelled

"Yes" I croak as I start to calm down from laughing

"Have you got this all down" She asks

"What down" I question as I raise a brow at

Of course I know exactly as to what she is talking about, but decide to push the teacher further, will I step out of line? Only time will tell right now.

"DETENTION" Miss Lines shouts and points to the door.

Clearly had enough of my digusting behaviour, but frankly speaking I no longer care about what she thinks, I just want to be out of this classroom and go looking for my siblings.

"Whatever I don't care" I say

I get up off my seat and start making my way towards the door, I have no idea as to where I am supposed to go for detention.

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