Part 14

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Amora's POV:

I sat crossed legged with my arms crossed at my chest, I was pissed, no angry, wait furious that Elijah left me and he came back without even telling me. How dare he, how could he leave me in the first place, once this lesson is over I am going to give his a piece of my mind.

Elijah's POV:

Once I was done telling Elena about my story about Niklaus being my brother, I went home to see Amora nowhere to be seen, I knew she would be angry with me, because well I guess I kind left her, I know how she fears of being alone.

But it wasn't my fault that Elena and her stupid friends daggered me.

“She must be at the school I sent her too” I sighed and flashed over there.

I saw the teacher of her class, I walked over to her.

“Go home, tell your boss that you are sick” I compelled.

She nodded and left, I went to the classroom that Amora was most likely to be in.

“OK kids, your teacher has gone home sick, so I will be taking your class, my name is Mr Mikaelson” I said with a serious tone.

As I taught this class, I could see Amora's death stares, she was furious, just as I suspected.

“OK, open your history books to page fifteen” Instructed.

One boy put his hand up. “Yes” I asked rubbing my temples.

“Mr Mikaelson, we are not learning about Vikings” He spoke with a polite tone.

“Year, we are learning about Germany” Amora hissed

“Wow Olivia you acutally paid attention in class” Smirked a girl.

“Only, when something she talks about I actually like” Amora barked at her.

I let out a slight chuckle, she was always good at come backs. I cleared my throat.

“Well, you should learn about the Vikings, because it is a very important part of history” I persuaded.

Amora's POV:

What has got into him, Vikings, is he serious, I hated those times, father hurting me, Henrik dying, mother not caring about me, the first time I was daggered, seriously is he trying to make me angrier or something.

I looked out the window, I didn't right anything down, I didn't need to, I knew EVERYTHING!!!.


I waited till everyone left the classroom, I got out of my seat and closed the door, I flashed towards Elijah, I grabbed him by his throat and pushed him into the wall, I glared my fangs, which I only did when I was angry, my eyes, were the colour of red, majority of vampire's still had their eye colour showing when they bared their fangs, but I'm just special I guess.

“HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME, YOU JUST LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ME, YOU KNOW HOW I AM SCARED OF BEING LEFT ALONE” I screeched, I was so mad at him that tears were threatening to slip from my eyes, I blinked furiously so that he can't see the tears I cry.

“I'm sorry Amora but the doppelgänger and her friends daggered me and locked me in the Salvatore basement” Elijah pleaded and yanked my hand of his throat.

I fell to my knees, he was daggered and I didn't save him.

“I'm sorry Lijah, but you should have said where you were going that night and I would have saved you” I whispered

Lijah put his strong arms around me. “All is forgiven Mory, go enjoy your break” He said softly.

Mory, is my nick name, he only said Mory when he truly mean something, I nodded. “Here take this” He whispered and handed me a blood bank, it was B+, my favourite, I took it and drank it, I chucked the blood bank in the bin. “Thanks, I will go now, please don't leave” I mumble softly and left.

I searched for Charlotte, I needed to find out as to why she had those bruises, I found her sitting under a tree eating an apple, stomped over to her. I grabbed her arm and rolled the sleeve up. “Who did this to you” I demanded. “If I tell you will you keep it a secret” Charlotte pleaded.

Charlotte's POV:

If she doesn't keep it a secret, mummy and daddy will kill me for sure. But I need to tell someone, don't I.

Amora's POV:

I stared at her for a good long minute “OK fine” I sighed.

“My mummy and daddy beat me” She whimpered.

How dare they beat her up, what's wrong with them, she deserves better parents.

“How could they, you have done nothing wrong” I growled and clenched my teeth

“Please don't tell anyone” She begged.

“Ok, fine, tell you what, after school, let's go get dresses for the party that Jace's older brother is having” I suggested.

“My parents won’t alow me” She sighed

“Screw them, plus I have my ways” I smirk and looked at my manicured nails that need to be redone.

“OK, fine but we have to ask them first” Charlotte giggled.

Later that day Amora's POV still:

Finally, school ended; once again I waited for everyone to leave. I walked up to Elijah.

“Lijah dear brother, can I go shopping with a friend of mine, who I am going to a party with on Saturday” I asked and leaned on his arm and gave him my puppy dog eyes.

“Ok, fine, be back by ten” Elijah smirked

“Yes, thank you” I squealed and ran to my locker, grabbed my things and went to Charlotte.

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