Part 13

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I sat on the bed, why does everything I love or touch die, than again I did die, ruthlessly, I placed my hand on the faint scar on my chest where his blade went through my chest, maybe the deaths are saying that I am dead and that I don't deserve anything now.

“Ahhhh, my baby”

I jumped and ran to the window, there was a fire over the road, I ran out as the fire department came, I watched from the door pacing.

“We can't get her out” One fireman said.

I ran over

“You can't but I can” I yelled and ran in.

I heard them screaming and telling me to come back, the smoke was over whelming, I went from room to room, dogging a couple of times due to the fact that there was fire everywhere.  I heard a baby in a room, I ran to it and pushed the door down, the baby or rather one year old in the corner of the room, there was fire everywhere, I used my vampire speed and grabbed the baby and rushed to get outside, and I stopped at the door and walked out.

I handed the women the baby, I looked at myself, I was covered in suit and I had burns, that will quickly heal, so I had to get out, I  ran around the block than I used my vampire speed and ran into the forest. I found a stream and stopped to catch my breath.

I kneeled down at the stream; I looked at myself, my burns were slowly healing but suit covered me.

“I look like the phantom of the Opera except with suit all over me” I sighed and shook my head, I slipped my shoes, yellow checked shirt off and my pants off, all I had on was my singlet and undies on, I slowly stepped into the stream, it cool and refreshing, it reminded me of the streams one thousand years ago.

(Amora is 5)


I sat on the floor in front of mama, who was braiding my hair, it was very long, my hair, it goes to my waist, Henrik was in front of the fire poking it with a stick, he is only two years older than me, he was my least favourite brother, mainly because he never plays with me, he says that girls are dump and stupid and that we are useless.

Yet he is always hanging out with Rebekah and Nik, how does that work?

“There all done Amora” Esther giggled. I got up and started spinning; I was trying to see my braid, but was failing miserably.

Ester started giggling “What are you doing Amora” Wondered Esther as she came over to me.

“Trying to see my hair” I smirk and crossed my arms “But I can't” I pouted

Esther got onto her knees and touched my shoulders “That’s because you can't see the back of your head, none of us can see the back of our own heads but we can see everyone else's but you look like a beautiful princess” Esther whispered and kissed my for head.

“Really” I gasped

“No” Henrik sighed.

My face turned from happy to sad, to everyone Henrik is a wonderful, sweat, loving, seven year old boy, but to me, he was mean and cruel.

“Henrik, be nice to your sister” Esther snapped, I couldn't help but giggle

Rebekah, Nik, Elijah, Kol and Finn ran into the house.

“Mother, may we go to the stream” Wondered Rebekah

“Are all your chores done” Asked Esther with a stern voice.

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