Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV

It had been not even five minutes since the show had ended, and we already had fans trickling backstage.

We all greeted each fan personally, snapping a few photos.

Signing some stuff here and there.

I had lost all hope of seeing her.

Then, there she was.

She had someone beside her; I assumed it was a friend.

They seemed to be ecstatic and giddy.

When they finally got up to us I was almost as giddy to see her as much as she was to see me.

"U-u-uh….. h-h-hi…" she said shakily.

"Hey, how's it going?" I said as calmly as I could.

"G-g-good. Y-your Ashley Purdy…. THE Ashley Purdy." She said, still slightly stuttering.

"Yeah I was the last time I checked." I said while gesturing to myself.

God I hoped I didn't come across as a douche bag. I gave her a little smile, hoping it would help make it sound like a joke.

She gave a little giggle and it seemed as if she was getting more comfortable.

Her friend, whatever her name was, interrupted the silence.

"So. I'm Skylar, and this beautiful person is Rain." She said as if she wasn't the slightest bit scared.

Skylar was beautiful too.

She had emerald green eyes, ivory skin, and sapphire blue hair. She was the same height as Rain.

Rain….. I finally knew her name, it matched her eyes.

It was perfect.

She was perfect.

I guess everyone could tell I went off into my own place, but just didn't want to interrupt me.

Finally Andy stepped out.

"Hi Skylar and Rain. I'm Andy. Ash has seemed to slip into an alternate universe."

I heard him. I just didn't react. Finally he decided to stomp on my foot to get my attention.

"Ouch! What the hell…. These are new shoes!" I screamed

Everyone around started to laugh, Rains more of a giggle. It was cute.

"Sorry, I was just….. Thinking" I started but Rain didn't let me finish.

"It's okay, we're in no place to rush you." Stated Rain.

"No, it's not okay. I shouldn't zone out with fans in front of me."

"So Ashley, d 'you think you could play a little something for us?" asked Skylar.

"Sure! Um…. What d 'you wanna hear." I asked while pulling a guitar over.

"Whatever you want." Rain blurted, almost seeming embarrassed after.

"Okay." I said as I started to strum. I decided to play one of our softer songs, Saviour.

Andy started in singing knowing it isn't much without the words.

After playing we all just sat around talking, mainly because they were the last of the fans to be backstage.

Everyone telling jokes, some cheesier than the others.

It was all awesome….until one of the workers at the venue asked us to leave.

It had been 2 hours since the concert ended and I guess they were getting tired of us.

I didn't want to have to say goodbye to rain.

I couldn't.

I suppose Andy could see it so he invited them to the bus.

"Sure!" they happily screamed.

We all walked back to the bus in a way that made everyone on the streets stare.

I guess they didn't like punk rock bands running around.

With the dirty looks we got we returned with sticking up our middle fingers.

I heard Rain yell "Fuck you mother fuckers!" and started laughing.

It wasn't funny, but I loved how it came out.

When we all got onto the bus we just continued what we were doing in the actual venue.

After what seemed like minutes I looked at my phone.

3 AM.

Holy shit we've been goofing off for 5 hours.

"Hey, um, I guess you guys should go." I started and saw Rains smile slowly fade away. "Its past 3 AM and your parents are probably worried sick."

Rain looked kind of depressed about it.

I felt bad telling them that, but I didnt want them to get in trouble.

They started to leave.

Right before they were about to leave the bus I yelled out to Rain.

"Um, so.. I was wondering if you wanted to swap numbers... You know to keep in touch. Tonight was alot of fun." I nervously said.

"Yea sure. Give me your phone and I'll put mine in." Rain said grabbing for my phone.

I handed it to her and she put her number in.

I did the same for her.

After we saved eachothers numbers Skylar pulled Rain out of the bus and they headed home.

I already wanted to text her, but that would seem kind of weird.

I decided to wait until she texted me.

Hopefully she would.

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