Chapter 14

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Andy's POV

Everyone except me is asleep in a random positioning around the room.

Jinxx is laying face down with his hands outstretched, and his feet in Jake's face.

Jake is halfway on Ashley and the floor, and Ashley is sitting leaning against the couch.

His head leaned back and arms hanging limply over Jake's legs.

CC is on the couch arms and legs spread out wide, with his head on Rains lap.

Rain is sitting like Ashley, but leaning on the arm of the couch.

I am just sitting in the recliner waiting until my eyes droop down, and I go into a deep sleep.

I was about to fall asleep until I heard someone moving.

I know it's probably just someone shifting positions, but I still look.

"Is anyone awake?" I asked into the darkness of the room.

"Yea. I am Andy." Rain said quietly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I just can't stay asleep. I'm just gonna go outside to clear my thoughts." She spoke while carefully moving CC's head.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Yea I'd like that." She stood up as quietly as possible, and carefully made her way around the sleeping bodies on the floor.

I got up and did the same.

When I walked out the door I felt a nice gust of cool air hit me.

The moonlight barely lighting the area where Rain was standing.

I walked over to her and saw her deep in thought.

I wonder what she's thinking about.

"Andy can I ask you something?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Yea go ahead."

"Why are you guys being so nice to me?" She looked towards the ground avoiding any eye contact.

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"I'm just some random girl. Why do people like you and Ash want to be friends with me."

I laughed on the inside when she added Ash into the 'want to be friends' section.

I have a pretty good feeling he wants to be more than friends.

Not friends with benefits or anything like that.

Like he wants to actually be with her, which goes against his player reputation.

Or I could be completely wrong and he could only want a fuck buddy... who knows?

Rain's POV

After I had my little chat with Andy I went back inside and sat on the floor near Ash.

I couldn't go back to my original spot because CC decided to take up the rest of the couch.

Ash looked so cute and peaceful while he was sleeping.

I wish I could just cuddle up to him.

Did I just say that?

After 5 minutes of wrestling with my brain about why I thought that I decided to listen to music.

I put my iPod on shuffle and one of my favorite songs came on.

I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.

Fuck yea.

Song after song played until I felt my eyes droop closed.

Ashley's POV

I woke up with Rain's head on my shoulder.

Was she there last night?

I don't remember, but she must have been.

She wouldn't move over here. Would she?

"Rain wakey wakey." I whispered into her ear.

She moved around but didn't wake up.

"RAIN WAKE UP!" CC shouted from behind me.

"CC could you be any louder?" She said after jolting up from his shouting.

He ignored her and walked into the kitchen.

I got up and offered Rain a hand.

She took it and I pulled her up using a little too much force because she ended up flying into my chest.



"It's okay. My fault I pulled you up a little too strongly."

All of a sudden I smelt a glorious smell.


I ran into the kitchen to see Sammi, Jinxx's girlfriend/fiancée cooking breakfast.

All the guys were hovering around her looking at the delicious food being made.

"Hey Ash, you wanna go to that place we found a few days ago?" Rain asked.

All around us there was "oooo's" and laughs from everyone.

"Guys it's not that type of place." I laughed.

Everyone just shook their heads like "sure it isn't".

"So. Do you wanna?" Rain said again.

"Yea it's cool over there."


Rain's POV

The wind was blowing full speed making my hair whip around furiously.

A few times it felt like I was going to blow away if Ash wasn't holding my hand.

Each step got harder to take with each gust.

It felt like the equivalent of walking up a tall mountain.

When we finally got to the tree house we climbed up as fast as we could trying to escape the treacherous winds.

"So what do you want to do now?" Ash asked stretching out the o in so.

To be honest I didn't know what I wanted to do.

I hadn't planned any further than this.

"Um I don't know." I said with an embarrassed giggle coming out.

"Well there is a deck of cards, we could play card games. Or we could get the guys, Juliet, Sammi, and Skylar to come here." He suggested.

I liked the idea of having all of them over here, it could be fun.

Plus I haven't talked to Skylar in forever, and I really missed her.

"You call up the guys, Juliet, and Sammi. I'll call Skylar." I said so fast I wasn't sure if he understood me.


Ashley's POV

She asked me to call them, but I decided to text them instead.

From: Me

To: Andy, Jinxx, Jake, CC, Sammi, Juliet

Hey guys, you wanna come over and make this into a party?

From: Andy

Hell yea! Be there soon

Group message from: Jinxx, Jake, CC, Sammi, Juliet

We don't know where it is. Should we just follow Andy?

From: CC

Can I brink some Whiskey and beer?

To: CC

Yea bring whatever you want. And tell the others that yes they should follow Andy.

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