Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV

It was almost 2 when I got to her house.

It was a one story, cream brick house that had a nearly all glass door.

I knocked on it being careful to try not to crack the glass.

No answer. I knocked again.

Still no answer.

Maybe she's still getting ready and cant get to the door.

I texted her.

"Hey I'm at the door." I sent

"Ill be there soon. I went on a short walk because I still had 15 minutes. The door's unlocked so go on in." She replied.

"Okay see you soon." I said before walking inside.

I looked around.

The house had a bench in the doorway. Walking into it further I saw a big couch with a flat screen in front of it. It was tempting to sit down and turn it on, but I didn't want to her to walk in and see me being a bum.

I did a little half turn and saw a door leading to a room.

Being nosey I walked in.

I guess it's Rain's room because there was band posters everywhere. Her bed was by the window and there was a desk on the other side of the room. Her computer sitting on top of it. On the floor there were a few bean bags and empty bags from hot topic. I saw my face a few times and out of boredom decided to count how many Black Veil Brides things she actually had. She had 6 posters a pillow with all of us on it and a blanket with my face on it.

I guess she liked me the best.

I had a grin on my face as I thought about her liking me more than she did Andy.

It was about 10 minutes until she made it back. I didn't even notice her until she cleared her throat.

"Oh hey…. I didn't mean to come in here without permission I was jus…." Was all I was able to get out before she cut me off.

"Don't worry about it. I already know my room is too cool to resist." She said giggling.

"Yea it is pretty cool. Especially with my face being basically everywhere." I joked.

"You know it. Anyways what do you want to do Ashley?"

What I really wanted to do was to kiss her, but I didn't tell her that.

"Well, do you want to go for a walk…even though you just got back from one." I asked

"Yea we could do that." She replied

We left the house and started to walk around, and after about 10 minutes I involuntarily grabbed for Rain's hand.

She had this look on her face that seemed shocked, so I let go.

"Why did you let go?" she asked reaching for my hand this time.

"The face you made, made me think you didn't want me to." I explained.

"Oh…. Well I guess my facial expressions lie." She said looking slightly at the ground.

We continued to walk around hand in hand until we decided to go back to her house.

As soon as we got there I noticed the car in the driveway. It wasn't there earlier.

"Whose car is that?"

"What. Oh. My moms." She said almost shocked. I guess she didn't notice it.

We walked inside and I saw her mom.

She was in the kitchen and I could smell alcohol coming off of her.

I didn't really want to make things weird by pointing it out, but I think Rain already knew.

She pulled me into her room and closed the door quietly.

"Is your mom….." I said, Rain interrupting me.

"Drunk? Yep… She is all the time. She doesn't even give a shit about me."

"Really? How could no one care about you Rain?"

She blushed when I said that.

I couldn't help but feel even more drawn to her.

Her lips were right there, within kissing range.

I couldn't resist the temptation any longer.

I started to lean in, closing the gap between our lips. Our lips met, gently pressing together. The kiss got more passionate and turned into a total make out session.

After making out for ten minutes I pulled away and just looked into her big blue eyes.

She had a small smile on her face, and I knew what I was about to say would take it away.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." I sadly said.

"It's okay….. Ill text you later though." She stated softly.

"Okay. Talk to you later." I told her and quickly kissed her cheek.

I left and felt like I was being torn in two.

I've never felt this way before.

I don't normally get feelings like this.

I couldn't believe that I'm saying this.

I think I love Rain. 

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