Chapter 12

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Ashley's POV

I woke up with Rain in my arms, and Andy asleep in the opposite corner.

I looked down to Rain; her beautiful face had strands of her raven black hair in it.

I pushed them back trying hard to not wake her up.

Thirty minutes went by before anything happened.

Then I felt Rain wiggle around in my arms. I looked down to her and her icy blue eyes fluttered open.

"Morning" I greeted softly because Andy was still asleep.

"Uh...Hey... What time is it?" She said while rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know. My phone died a little while ago."

"I'm hungry. Maybe we could um wake up Andy and um head back to my house." She said still not completely awake.

"Yea let's do that. But beware Andy is probably gonna give us shit about ditching him, and on top of that he is really not a morning person." I warned.

" Uhm okay."

I shook Andy trying to wake him up, but all he would do is groan a little.

He still wouldn't wake up after 10 minutes of me shaking him so I had to improvise.

I didn't like my improvisation but it was going to have to work.

I whispered in Rain's ear and told her what had to happen for him to wake up.

She nodded and began the process of getting lazy bones up.

Rain's POV

Ashley told me what I had to do to get Andy up.

I don't really want to because I am still part asleep myself but I had to.

I leaned down to him and whispered in his ear "Andy wake up" before I would do what Ashley told me.

He moved around a bit and swatted at me but didnt wake.

I decided to do things my way, Ash's do this and hope for the best plan wasnt cutting it for me.

I started to tickle Andy and saw his eyes shoot open.

"Ahhh stopppppp ... it..... Ahhhhhh..... please stoooooopp." He begged.

"I guess you didn't have to do things how I said then." Ashley stated seeming almost happy I didn't.

"Finally you're awake; now let's get going back to my house for food. " I quickly said dodging an angry 'why the hell'd you wake me up' swing from me and moved towards the ladder.

I was half way down when I heard Andy whisper something to Ashley. I only could hear bits and pieces.

"Why....ditch and Rain."

I guess that's the beginning of the shit Andy is going to give Ashley.

I felt guilty because I suggested it and Andy had mentioned my name. I didn't really know all of what he was saying about me but I guess I'll find out later.

"Hurry up you two." I shouted up to them after getting all the way down.

They hurried down the ladder and within 15 minutes we were standing in the driveway of my house.

Ready to run in and stuff our faces.

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