Chapter 4

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Rains POV

We were backstage.

It was huge and I could see the band.

I started to freak out, looking down at myself.

I was wearing combat boots, skinnies, and a Black Veil Brides shirt.

My whole outfit was black the only color on me was my eyes, my very blue eyes.

I looked to Skylar, and she was completely calm.

It was as if we weren't about to meet the people we idolize.

I turned and looked at all the band members, getting really excited and happy about getting to meet them.

Andy, who was sitting in a chair on top of a chair chatting with the people who were in front of us.

Jake was on the floor, playing around with his guitar.

Jinxx was off in loopy land looking for something to do.

CC was off who knows where doing who knows what.

Last but not least, there was Ashley.

He was looking straight at us.

Well, at least I think he was.

I looked behind me and Skylar. Nobody.

I looked to the side. Nobody.

We were the last ones there.

I couldn't believe that Ashley was staring at us.

We walked up to him since we had waited for so long to get to meet them.

I wanted to say something, but I could barely speak.

When I managed to get something out it was really shaky.

"U-u-uh….h-h-hi" I immediately noticed how scared I sounded and mentally face palmed myself.

"Hey, how's it going," Ashley stated completely calm. He had nothing to be nervous about.

We were only fans. There was no reason to be.

Without thinking I stuttered "G-g-good…y-your Ashley Purdy…THE Ashley Purdy." Surely I sounded so stupid and scared. Thank god Ashley lightened up the mood with what I took to be a joke,

"Yeah I was the last time I checked." He said with his joke tone.

Of course Skylar being the fearless person she is just casually introduced us while I stood there.

Zoned out.

Looking at the gorgeous person in front of me.

I didn't even notice Ashley was zoned out too until Andy said something.

All I heard was the sound of Andy stomping on Ashley's shoes.

"Ouch! What the hell…. These are new shoes!" he screamed.

It was so cute.

His personality flawless besides the fact he has the manwhore, player reputation.

Honestly I still couldn't believe I was actually next to him.

I couldn't help but to giggle at it all.

Soon after he and Andy played saviour for us.

It was beautiful.

We were joking around for a while after until someone told us to leave.

Andy asked us to the bus and as we were walking back people gave us nasty looks so I yelled "fuck you mother fuckers!" to them.

Ashley found it hilarious and I was cracking up on the inside.

We went into the bus and goofed off some more.

It seemed like only ten minutes, but in reality it was hours.

I was probably the only one who noticed how long it actually been.

I really didn't care though.

I don't want to go back home.

Mom treats me like shit and doesn't care.

She probably doesn't even know I'm gone, especially since she's always passed out on the couch, drunk.

I wanted to just stay here hanging out with the band, but I guess Ashley noticed the time.

He told us that we should go home, and that our parents were probably worried.

Skylar knew her parents would be, but my mom couldn't care less.

We were about to leave when Ashley called my name.

"Um, so... I was wondering if you wanted to swap numbers... You know to keep in touch. Tonight was a lot of fun." He asked, almost sounding nervous.

I grabbed at his phone telling him to give it, so I could put my number in.

While I was putting it in he grabbed my phone from my pocket and put his in.

I felt like I was blushing but I guess I wasn't because nobody said anything.

After everything was saved Skylar tugged me out of the bus.

I was going to text him, but I didn't want to seem desperate by texting so soon. I'll just wait until later.

Skylar's POV

It hasn't even been 30 minutes since we left the tour bus and Rain looks like she's going to die if she doesn't text him.

I wouldn't blame her.

If I had a famous person's number I would explode into millions of pieces.

"Text him." I plainly said.

"Who?" she said trying to play dumb.

"Him. You know 'THE Ashley Purdy'." I said slightly mocking the way she freaked out earlier.

"Oh… I don't want to sound too desperate to talk to him. But if you want you can talk to him." She mumbled.

"There are some issues. One, I'm driving because your lazy ass hasn't taken your driver's test yet. Two I don't have his number." I blurted probably sounding bitchy.

She took my phone, put in his number and saved it under 'ASHLEY FREAKING PURDY'.

"Well now you have it." She said matching my bitch tone.

Once I dropped her at her house I shouted don't forget to text him out of the window.

She probably didn't hear me but I knew she would text him.

Sooner or later.

I got home and went to bed.


All the energy used for the fun we were having finally showing it was drained.


Authors Note: I'm looking for pictures to show for what Rain and Skylar look like. Trust me its not easy to find what I'm trying to find hah. But yea thanks for reading 

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