Chapter 25

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Rain's POV

Hailz finally gave up on trying to kill Max, and made her way over to me and sat on the bed.

"You're going to be okay. I Promise," She sobbed "Ronnie where is that fucking ambulance?!"

Ronnie rushes back into the room, looking scared out of his wits on what is going to happen.

"They'll be here in a little while..." He started before looking to me.

You could tell he knows what the outcome is most likely going to be, but doesn't want to not only give up but also jinx anything.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He directs toward me.

I struggle to answer him, and not wanting to waste any energy I look up to Ash and Hailz.

"Guys, how is she doing?" Ronnie repeats.

I slowly start fading and struggle to say one last thing to the people around me.

"I-I... Love you Ashley. I love all of you guys."

"No! Don't you dare leave me! I just got you back! We have so many more inside jokes to make!" Hailey chokes out, sobbing hysterically.

Ash leans in close to me, preparing to whisper something to me.

"I love you too, sweetheart, more than I can ever scream. Please don't leave me, I just got you." Ashley whispers, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I manage to hear the ambulance sirens come closer and closer to the house, and paramedics barge into the house.

They come into the room, and say something to Ashley but I couldn't hear it.

Ashley's POV

"Sir, could you please move aside?" One of the paramedics asks me.

"No, she's my girlfriend. I have to stay with her, don't make me leave her.

"As you wish." He replies as he loads Rain on a stretcher and carries her away to the ambulance.

I run out, right behind them, and they lift her into the vehicle.

I jump in, followed by the medics and the sound of the back doors slamming.

Soon we are rushing out of the neighborhood, and to the hospital.

Rain lifts her head to look at me, but immediately lowers it.

I look to the medic wanting an explanation for what happened.

"She probably got light headed, she has lost a lot of blood." He spoke.

"Ash, Don't make me go... tell them to not make me go... I want to stay here with you and Hailey and CC and Andy and everyone." Rain said quickly.

I didn't understand at first, but I realized what she meant.

She doesn't want to die, she wants to stay here, with everyone.

"Baby, nobody is going to make you go... you just need to fight. Fight for your life." I quietly said to her.

"Don't you worry one bit. All of your friends are on their way to meet you at the hospital." The medic blurted, not hearing me or understanding what she meant.

A tear slides down Rain's cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Rain questioned.

The second medic that has been monitoring Rain's vital stats speaks up.

"I'm not going to lie to you, miss. Your chances aren't looking very good." He said grimly.

She can't die. Not now, I only just got her. There's so much we have to do.

"If we can get you to the hospital in time, we can do all we can to keep you on this earth." The first medic states.

I can't hold it in any longer, I can't keep the strong act up any more.

"No. She can't die, baby you can't leave me..." I choke out, letting tears slide down my face.

"Hey, Ash, don't cry. Look at me... If I don't make it, it's going to be okay. Just don't shut everyone out. Grieve me, but don't grieve me to the point where you lose yourself. We haven't known each other long, but it's felt like forever. You still have a lot to live for, don't let my death ruin that." Rain said, attempting to comfort me.

"Why are you comforting me? It should be me comforting you.."

She didn't reply, she only kept staring at me.

Her blue eyes trained on my brown ones.

Like she said, we haven't known each other long, but it really has felt like we've known each other for forever.

For such a young girl, she does have some ancient wisdom in her.

This ambulance ride is taking way too long though, they need to hurry up.

"We're just an exit away, hold on" The driver said, pretty much reading my mind.

I softly grip Rain's hand, relief slightly washing over me due to the closeness of the hospital.

But we aren't there yet, I can't feel total relief until we're there and they tell us she's okay.

"Almost there, hold on. Hold on just long enough to make it. I know you're a fighter, so fight. Fight to stay with me, because I can't be without you." I whisper in her ear.

My attention goes to the radio call that I hear in the front.

~through the radio~ "Vehicle 626, what's your patients condition?"

"Critical, We're going to need blood transfusion upon arrival." The driver radioed back.

~through the radio~ "Copy that"

I pull my attention back to Rain, and see her struggling to hold on.

"Ash, I'm trying. It hurts... make it stop. Make the pain stop." Rain whimpers.

"Is there something you can give her? Anything, she doesn't need to hurt. She doesn't need nor want to die" I yell to the medic in a panic.

"There isn't anything we can do that's of use to her in here."

Rain slowly starts to close her eyes, causing more panic to surge through me.

"Baby, keep your eyes open, okay? I need to know you're still conscious." I sweetly say to her.

I hear the sound of a new addition into the radio conversation.

"Prepare for unloading, we're here."

We come to a halt and the back doors open; a third medic that I hadn't noticed was in the front appears along with doctors/nurses.

"Patient underwent a suicide attempt." He yelled to the nurses.

"NO. Someone slit her wrist, she did not do this to herself." I shout angrily to them.

"Sir, we are going to have to insist that you move out of the way at this time." spoke a medic.

"No, I need to stay with her. You can't make me leave." I yell.

"Ash they can't help me if you won't leave. Please baby. Move." Rain whispers out.

I slowly back away, and they rush her into the building.

"Come on sir, I'll show you to the waiting room." Said the nurse that stayed back with me, her name tag read Trisha.

"Okay, Trisha." I replied as she walked me to the waiting room.

None of the guys are here yet...

This may be a long wait.

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