Chapter 24

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"Oh My God, Max just leave Rain alone!" Hailz shouted just before Rain ran off to another room.

"Babe, come back." Ashley called out to her before leaving to go comfort her.

This is all going just too far, and now the party is nearly ruined.

"And just what are you going to do about it, sweet heart?" Max said while getting way too close to Hailz for my liking.

"Get the hell away from her, asshole." I shouted

"Holy shit, are you drunk?!" Hailz screeches as she slaps Max hard in the face.

"Actually no. While Ashley went to go comfort his little girl toy, he dumped his drink on me." Max growled angrily.

I can't believe he was talking like that about Rain.

He was literally just treating her like a best friend, then he just flipped a switch.

On top of that he still wasn't moving any further away from Hailz, and that really urks me.

"Back. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her."

"Don't you dare talk about her like that." Hailz yelled, inching closer to him, looking like she's going to throw a punch or two.

"Make me." Max said calmly looking at me.

Ronnie finally comes in and starts in on Max too.

"Max, you fucking know better man. Leave them alone." Ronnie warned.

Soon I see Hailey back handing Max in the face, and he backs away with his hand on his cheek.

When he moves it we all saw blood dripping down from a cut her rings made on his face.

Uh oh...

Max launches himself at Hailey and punches her in the face.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH!" he screamed.

Ronnie manages to pull him back and throw him into a different room.

Shutting and locking the door in the process.

"Sweetheart! Are you okay babes?" I ask while helping her up off the floor.

"I-I-I'm o-okay." Hailey stuttered while clutching the left side of his face.

Ronnie goes to the kitchen to get ice for her, while I looked to see how bad it was.

"Dear god, he really got you good didn't he?" I said shocked.

Hailey's POV

Ronnie comes back over to me and hands me some ice, and I quickly place it on my bruising cheek saying thank you.

"You're going to be okay, alright sunshine?" Ronnie said calmly.

I look over to the room that Max is locked in then look back to CC.

"Wait, isn't that the room Rain and Ash are in?"

Right as I said that everybody's eyes widened and we rushed to the door as we heard Rain scream.

~meanwhile in with Rain and Ash~

"Green, leave us alone." Ash said calmly.

"Hmmm. Let me think about that. No. I don't have to. Now come here girl I have some... Plans for you." Max said viciously.

"You aren't getting near her."Ash growled.

Max moves closer to me while coldly saying "Come here", but Ashley pushes him away from me.

"Really? You're really going there?" Ash questioned.

Max shoves Ash away and nearly jumps on me as I scream stay away.

"Stay still you little whore" Max spat out as he climbed fully on top of me.

"NO. No. no. Get away. Stop it." I cried out as Max tried to tug my shirt off.

While he's still trying to tug my shirt off Ashley stands up and tries to get Max off of me.

"Stay away from her."

His attempt was to no success when Max took a good swing at him and he fell back to the ground.

Max resumed what he was previously doing, and I screamed again hoping the others would hear.

They did, because soon enough they all busted through the door.

"GET OFF OF HER MAX." Andy yelled.


Ashley gets up again, throws Max from me, and begins beating the shit out of him.

"Don't you fucking try to touch my girlfriend again you dick face." Ash spat out as he sent blows in all different areas of Max's body.

Soon CC walked over and asked for a turn in beating Max, and with that Ash hit him once more hard in the gut and came over to me.

"Take that you asshole" CC screamed after cracking his knuckles and planting his first blows on Max.

I know he's been an asshole and just did some fucked up things to me, but I don't think they should be beating him an inch from death.

"Baby shhh it's okay, you're okay now." He said softly to me.

Even in Ash's arms I was still shaking like a chihuahua, and then I remembered one detail about what Max had done and looked down to my wrist.

"A-a-ash my wrist.." I stuttered out.

He looked down to my wrist to see deep gashes Max inflicted on my wrist, along with the ones I inflicted upon myself.

I don't think he could tell the difference though, thank god... I'm not ready for him to find out about this.

"Oh he did not fucking cut my fucking girlfriend." Ash shouted as his eyes turned red with anger as he looked to Max.

Hailey moves over to my side and asks if I'm okay.

"I, I think I'll be fine." I lied as I started going pale.

Ash obviously saw right through that one.

"No. You aren't fine baby." he spoke.

Hailey got up and ran at Max, wanting to get her turn at beating him, but Jinxx and Jake held her back.

Ash pulled me onto his lap and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Shhh baby, don't move. I'll fix it. I promise." He whispered into my hair.

Ronnie frantically ran out of the room and called an ambulance from the land line.

And in the background behind all the other noises I could hear Craig repeating 'I'm so sorry, oh god I'm so fucking sorry.'

I almost go unconscious, but out of fear Ash wouldn't have any of that.

" No no no babe stay awake, okay." He said frantically, but was interrupted by Max laughing.

"Why are you all so obsessed over her? She's getting what she deserves. I hope you like to see her suffer." He growled evilly.

He really shouldn't have said that, because that sent Ash over the edge.

Ash gets up and throws Max against the wall, leaving a huge hole.

"SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR FUCKING FRIEND." Ash screamed, his voice cracking at the end as he tried to keep back tears.

"Ash... p-p-please" I managed to whisper.

He immediately rushed to my side, and softly kisses my pale lips "I'm here baby."

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