Chapter 26

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Ashley's POV

God... I can't believe I'm going to do this.

Dear god, please. I beg you. Don't take her away from me... I can't lose her... She's the first person I've ever really cared about. Please, oh please keep her here with me. Let her be my guardian angel, and let her guide me in life to make the right decisions. Just please don't take her...

My prayers were interrupted by the gang busting through the hospital doors.

I watch as Hailey runs to the information desk and starts to speak.

"Excuse me, has a patient by the name of Ra- OH MY ASHLEY IS SHE OKAY?!" Hailey spoke calmly, then yelled.

"T-t-they said she's in critical condition, but that's all I know." I said, trying to keep from completely losing it.

Craig sits down on one side of me and Hailey on the other.

"I cannot even explain how horrible I feel about all of this." Craig said to me.

I still don't see why he's blaming himself for this.

"Craig, you can't feel bad. You didn't do anything, it was all Max." I replied to him, my hands clenching tightly at the thought of his name.

"Ash is right Craig, you are in no way to blame for this tragedy." Hailey said, backing me up.

CC takes his place next to Hailey, and he places his hand on her back.

"I'm sure she'll be okay." He said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself of that, instead of just stating it.

A doctor walks into the waiting room, causing my head to shoot up hoping for news of my Rain.

"I'm looking for the loved ones of a, " the doctor says before looking at a file " Miss Rain N. Cloud."

I stand up as quickly as possible, and walk towards the doctor.

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Okay, I need to speak with you in private. I'm Rain's doctor, Dr. Fielden" Spoke Dr. Fielden.

By the look on his face he wasn't going to be telling me everything was fine.

We walked to a secluded area, and as soon as we started to walk Hailey jumped up.

"I'm her sister." Hailey lied.

The doctor payed no attention to Hailey, and prepared to tell me what he had to say.

"Sir, she lost a lot of blood. She almost didn't make it." Dr. Fielden stated.

"Almost... so that means she's okay?" I said, hopeful that she is completely fine.

My hope was smashed as soon as he told me the next part.

"Not exactly, in order to keep her from any more harm we had to put her into an induced coma." Dr. Fielden said calmly.

If I was looking at my own face I would have seen that it's completely blank.

"What does this mean." I choked out, fighting tears.

"Well, she's been put into a coma, and we have no idea when she will wake up. If she does." Dr. Fielden sadly replied.

She may not wake up?

Then what the hell was the point of putting her into the damn coma if she would probably die anyways...

If they didn't I could have at least said goodbye to her.

"Can we see her?" Hailey asked, suppressing sobs.

"Not at the moment. I'll send a nurse out when you can."

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