Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV

Yesterday I went over to Rains house.

The day was absolutely perfect in my eyes, and when I got home I'm pretty sure it showed.

Even though it was only 5 when I got back I immediately went to bed.

This damn tour schedule is fucking with my sleep patterns.

I fell asleep instantly and dreamt about Rain.

About us kissing and being together.

She's the only girl I've dreamt about, besides the ones I've made up in my head.

The dream felt so real, and when I woke up a tear rolled down my cheek.

I hopped out of my bunk and stumbled my way into the kitchen. I checked the clock on the table, it was 9 AM.


I never wake up this early. Nobody else was up and it was too quiet.

Well it was quiet until I heard Jake let out one of his stink bombs.

"Jake! I can smell your farts all the way in the kitchen!" I yelled.

I heard a large thud on the ground and heard Jake mumble 'ow'. Still half asleep he trudged his way next to me and popped me on the head.

"What the hell was that for?"

"For making me fall out of my bunk." He looked at the clock with tired eyes. "Dude its only 9! Why are you even up?"

"Well I did go to sleep right when I got home yesterday, which was like 5 PM."

"Oh… right. You went over to see Rain." He said her name in a tone that people use when they mention someone's crush.

"Dude we aren't in fifth grade, you don't have to say her name like that."

"Well what did you two do Ash?" he asked.

I thought back on yesterday and smiled. "Well we went for a walk, and we held hands. When we got back to her house…" I started telling the story.

"Did you get in her pants?!" he screamed.

"NO! We kissed. It was like no other kiss I've ever had. Her lips were so soft and she was just so beautiful."

"Sounds like someone's in love" Jake teased.

"Don't joke like that man. I actually might be." I screamed the first part and whispered the second.

"Ash, are you feeling okay? Because I think you just said you might love someone." He said in a joking tone.

"Oh shut up."

"Fine." He said while walking out of the kitchen and climbing back in his bunk.

I did the same, but found I couldn't sleep so I decided to check my phone.

5 Unread Text Messages

I looked at the messages. 2 from Andy that he sent yesterday asking how things were going. 1 from Rain's friend, Skylar.


I don't remember giving my number to her.

Maybe Rain did. Oh well.

I decided to reply to her mainly because I was hoping she had talked to Rain.

Me: Hey Skylar, whatsup?

Skylar: Nothing really. Have you talked to rain lately?

Me: Yea, I hung out with her yesterday, why?

Skylar: Oh just wondering. She hasn't texted me since the night of the concert.

Me: Well I'm going to text her now. I'll tell her to text you too.

Skylar: Thanks! Well talk to you later Ash. Bye.

I liked it when people called me Ash.

It wasn't as girly sounding as my actual name was, but I didn't care if I was called by either of them.

I looked at the two texts I got from Rain.

One said 'hey Ashley what's up.' And the other said 'Ashley is it okay if I call you Ash?' even though they were from yesterday I still replied.

Me: hey Rain, sorry I didn't reply. I went to sleep, but anyways yea you can call me Ash.

I wasn't expecting a reply anytime soon. She'd probably still be asleep, but she texted back almost instantly.

Rain: Hey Ash! It's totally okay, I passed out too! Haha.

Me: I guess we tired each other out.

Me: Oh I almost forgot. Skylar wants you to text her back.

Rain: Yea I guess we did, and I'm gonna text her right now. Thanks for reminding me.

Me: No problem

Rain: Yea so what are you up to?

Me: Trying not to die from Jake's gaseous fumes. Hah

Rain: Hahaha. You better not die from them!

Me: Why? Would you miss me too much?

Rain: No.

Me: Really :(

Rain: Of course I'd miss you too much Ash!

Me: Sorry I can't hear your sarcasm in text form.

Rain: Well I gotta go, but call or text me later. Or drop by my house any of those would be fine.

Me: Bye rain.

Rain: Bye

"Why are you so smiley?" Andy said making me jump.

I didn't notice he was sitting there.

"I was texting rain, I think I'm gonna stop by her house later."

"Dude can I come?"

"Sure why not Andy…. I'll just have to ask her"

"Okay!" he said in such a happy tone.

Soon everyone woke up and we all sat around the table drinking coffee.

Andy got ready while I asked Rain if he could stop by with me.

She said it was all good, so I told him and got ready myself.

We were done within 20 minutes and decided to walk over to Rains house.

Hopefully she'll be happy to see me.

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