Chapter 28

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Rain's POV

I was having a dream.

It was the type of dream that was so good that you never wanted it to end, and when it did it brought upon a sorrow so terrible that there was no stopping the tears.

One of the dreams that you wish, with every fiber of your being, was true.

I dreamt of Ashley and me, only it wasn't us now, it was an older version of us.

He was in a kitchen standing in front of the stove, his attention fully on attempting to make dinner.

Quietly, I moved to his side and inspected what he was concocting.

After giving him a kiss on his cheek, I sought out to figure out what it was.

"Babe, what is it you're making, because I have no clue whatsoever."

"Chicken stir fry.... With a twist!" he said in an excited voice.

"And the twist is?" I inquired.

The twist he made had to be huge, because what was in the pan looked nothing like stir fry.

"It's a surprise, and you'll find out in a few minutes when it's done." He announced, sounding proud of his creation.

I rolled my eyes at him, turned around, and started to walk out of the kitchen.

Grabbing me by my wrist, he pulled me close.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I was going to do something productive, but guess I'm not going to be doing that now." I said sassily.

Just then two small children, a boy and girl aged about 2-4 years, run in between the two of us.

Ash picked up the little boy, whom he called Jace (a name that I've always loved), and carefully spun him around.

"More daddy, more" little Jace giggled.


The little girl ran up to me squealing "mommy" and wanting to be picked up.

Without thinking I swiftly picked her up.

"Yes Miss Skylar?" I baby talked. I didn't know I knew her name.

And wait..... Mommy?

Ashley and I have kids together?

When did we have kids? Are we?

Looking down at my left hand I see two rings on my ring finger.

Yes... we are.

I put Skylar down and watch as Ashley chases her and Jace around the house.

Slowly this image starts fading, drifting away from me, and I can't stop it.

"Wait.... No, this can't be the end!" I mentally shouted.

Just as slowly as the last image faded out a new one came back in its place.

I was sitting alone in a park, the sky was darkened with clouds.

It's probably going to start to downpour.

Where is Ashley? Where are my kids that don't actually exist in the real world?

Why do I feel utterly heartbroken? Nothing has happened here to make me feel this way.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Hey sweetheart" said a version of Ashley that was younger than the last.

This Ashley looks to be only a year or so older than he is now.

He took a seat next to me and looked at me with tears filling his eyes.

I just look at him. I don't know what else to do, since I'm completely clueless as to what has happened.

"I know at first I didn't want you to keep the baby. I know I said I wanted it to just go away, that it was going to ruin our lives. But...." he said, pausing to think about what he was going to say.

I looked down at my hands and close my eyes, feeling a tear drop onto them.

"I never wanted this to happen. You know I was just shocked and scared. Everything has been going so well, and things between us have been moving so fast. Then I told you I wanted to keep it.... but it was too late. It didn't matter anymore because you....." he said before his voice started to get muffled.

I could see his lips moving, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

What did I do.... What did I do?!?

Ashley, tell me what I did. I can't hear you.

The scene in front of me started cutting out, like the picture does on a TV when there isn't a good feed coming through.

I need to know what I did

"I NEED TO KNOW MORE!" I screamed, my eyes shooting open.

"Rain? Are you awake?"


Ash rushed from the chair he was in to the side of my bed, and put his hand on my cheek.

"You're awake.... You're finally awake." He said happily.

Jinxx absent mindedly walked into the room.

"What's all the ruckus in he... holy shit she's awake. Doctors! She's awake." Jinxx screamed out.

There was a bunch of things happening around me, I'm sure if I cared I would have tried to figure out all of it, but in this moment all I cared about was one thing.

One person sitting right in front of me.

"Hey there cowboy." I tried to say seductively.

"Hey my Purdy Girl."


A/N: Alright guys, I started this story in the 8th grade on Since then I've put it on two other fanfiction sites (including this one), and I originally was going to change it and make it better. Unfortunately for you I decided I wanted to keep it the same as how I had it and then build from there. So what you are seeing now is a fanfiction stated in my 8th grade year, finished my Junior year, and now going to be continued in part two my freshman year of college. Watch out, this isn't the last you've seen of me.

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