Shizaya: What's Happening?

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If you don't like yaoi then don't read! I love to own Durarara, but I don't :( ..... Anyways enjoy~



Izaya Orihara looked at the direction he heard the voice, and saw his most hated person (more like monster), Shizuo Heiwajima. He was holding a street sign, but Izaya wasn't even frightened at all. Though, the raven man had a small smirk on his face and told Shizuo," Oh hello Shizu-chan~ How are you?" Shizuo shouted," Don't give me that crap! I'm going to kill you this time! No mercy Izaya (he never gives mercy anyways)!" Shizuo swung his sign at Izaya, but like always Izaya dodges elegantly. He then provokes the angry man," Aww Shizu-chan. You're going to make Ikebukuro pay a ton of money for all of the mess you've down (like he cares), but you've done that more than a billion times already~" Shizuo madly swung the sign once more, but he missed because of a bright flash that was making Shizuo's and Izaya's vision white. They soon fell unconcious.

When they woke up, Izaya and Shizuo looked around. Izaya was shocked! They weren't in Ikebukuro anymore and as expected, he knew before you could even snap your fingers.

Shizuo stood up and was about to wander around until Izaya asked," Where are you going?" Shizuo said," I'm not going to stay here with you. I'm smarter than you think, Izaya-kun. I know we're out of Ikebukuro." Izaya thought for a while and agreed that it was useless to just sit and do nothing, but didn't agree about his intelligence. He followed Shizuo. Shizuo didn't have any problem with Izaya following him since he didn't want to be alone in an unknown place. Soon it was raining, and they ran to shelter. By the time they found a tiny cave just big enough for them, they were already wet from the rain. Shizuo took out his cigarrette and lit it up. For some reason the cancer stick wasn't wet.

Izaya didn't have much but a hand knife, so he didn't feel satisfied. It's been 10 minutes since the rainstorm started and it was still quiet. Shizuo was still smoking and izaya was just sitting on the ground thinking. He was thinking about their situtation too much and it got him dizzy, so he just stopped and stared at the ground. Shizuo was about to burst because of the silent, but then remembered that they were in a tiny cave. Shizuo and Izaya were very quiet and they were very close (usually they would be fighting about now). Izaya sneezed and it made a subject to talk about. Shizuo asked," Are you okay, Flea?" Izaya answered," I don't know I think I might be sick from being wet for a long time or something (Izaya has sensitive skin so he can get really cold after awhile).

Shizuo asked," Umm.... Let me feel your forehead a bit." Izaya looked at Shizuo for a moment and allowed him to. Shizuo put his forehead onto Izaya's. He then said," Looks like you have a small cold." Izaya was now really cold that he shivered and his air was now able to be seen. Shizuo didn't want to help him, but he also didn't want to take care of Izaya. Shizuo pushed Izaya's head on his thigh and said," I'm doing this because I don't want to take care of you when you get sick, so just lay down and rest." Izaya smiled without his evilish smirk and closed his eyes. Before he was about to sleep, Izaya said," Your thighs are very warm." Shizuo's face turned red and he yelled," So what Flea!? You got a damn problem with that!?" Izaya was already sleeping, so Shizuo was mad. He wanted to wake Izaya up for ignoring him, but he didn't.

The rain was getting harder every minute so Shizuo layed down and was really gentle with Izaya, trying to not wake him up. He felt really cozy with Izaya's head on his thigh because his head was very cold and it felt nice to Shizuo since his body temperature is warm. It was the middle of the night now and Shizuo woke up. He heard Izaya's breathing pace, it was a bit loud and fast. Shizuo felt his forehead and it was getting warmer every second. Shizuo quietly took off his vest and put it on Izaya's body. Shizuo placed the Raven's head on the ground slowly then stood up and left Izaya for a moment. Shizuo ripped off a piece of his sleeves and fold it. Then he dipped it in a puddle that looked clean (the puddle was created by the rain). When Shizuo was finished soaking the ripped sleeve, he quickly returned to Izaya's side. He placed Izaya's head on his thigh again and took the wet, ripped sleeve and slowly arranged it on Izaya's forehead to make him feel less hot. Shizuo then went back to sleep after that.


Next chapter will be coming soon so don't worry and hope you like it!! oh ya! Make sure to vote or add this story to your library! better yet follow meh! I hope you're looking forward on seeing my new chapter! because I am too!! See ya! *_*

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