Shizaya: Another World...

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Nice day in anime world... It's so damn hot!!!!! Wat do I mean when I say nice?! It's so hot like crazy!!!! Anyways enjoy Shizaya fans~


In the game...

The red hooded stranger was now in front of Izaya, its head looking down, certainly something bad will happen. Izaya felt chills up his spine and stepped back, but before he could, something grabbed his foot making him stop! He looked back and saw a tentacle sticking out from the ground! Izaya quickly looked back at Shizuo who was in the same situtation as Izaya. They both struggled to get out of the grip, however didn't and the hood of the stranger's fell off and out came a little kid with two pony tails (a lolli). She asked," I want to play a quiz game with you two!" Izaya looked away and replied back," Sorry little kid, I don't have time. Can you get these weird stuff off of me and my friend." The loli shouted," No! Never! Now choose! A, surrender or B, try to fight it! I'll say surrender 'cause you won't get hurt!!!!" A vein popped out of Shiuzo's head! He painfully kicked the tenacle on his feet with his other free one then shouted," You kid! Get lost! I'm arguing with that bastard over there!" The tenacle quickly retreated under the ground.

Shizuo's POV...

The little kid started to whine," You meany! Go to hell! I have two toys and they'll never get away!!!" This little kid is more irritating than the flea! How should I deal with this girl???!! Izaya got out his knife and sliced the tenacle and slightly shouted," Hey Shizu-chan! Let's run hurry! Follow me!" I had no reason not to, but the girl looked really mad (not that I care).

3 POV...

It was a long walk after meeting that little girl at the beginning of the game. Izaya was really bored since no one was talking and the only thing that was heard was the digital winds blowing to the right of the two. Nothing particular happened until a loud boom was heard at the top of the road ahead of them. Izaya and Shizuo ran up and saw a village! It's not really surprising that there's a village in a game, but a rampaging dragon was a surprise. Shizuo ran ahead of Izaya and searched for any survivors.

He spotted two survivors, but one was lying unconscious. The unconscious boy was wearing a blue and white kimono while the other one trying to wake him up wore a white coat with pink headphones. Shizuo ran over to them and was surprised yet again. They looked like Shizuo and Izaya. The frantic boy stared at Shizuo with tears rolling down his cheeks and cried, "Can you help my f-friend?!" Shizuo annoying glanced at Izaya who was sauntering to them (did he notice the dragon?!) then turned back to the boy and nodded. He smiled with relief, and Shizuo carried his look alike on his shoulder.

Izaya who finally caught up said," W-what happened?!" Shizuo sighed and replied," Just help. I'll tell you later, Flea." Izaya was about to argue when he noticed the boy next to Shizuo. He was curious about why he looked so similar to Izaya, but knew it wasn't the best time to ask. Izaya rolled his eyes then mumbled, "How am I suppose to help you when you got it all under control?"


Short right? If you read my last chapter you'll know why anyways I really really am sorry for taking a very long time and all. I hope you'll read my next chapters too!!! Man, I've been thinking so much about this story that I missed so much on my test. Oh well it was worth it! I got more ideas for the next chapter! I'll make sure to make the next one long and better! Now here's the short story!


High School, What a life


Another day of boring high school for Izaya who was lying down on the top of the roof. Shizuo wasn't at school today because of a job he had." A bodyguard is a good job for a monster, after all he gets to terrify the people who needs to pay," Izaya said to himself," But still he should be hanging out with me!" Izaya stood up and went down to his last period of school. Nothing happened until school ended. Izaya walked out and saw Shizuo waiting at the gate for him. He said," Let's go flea, I've been waiting for a long time." Izaya was confused, however, glad that Shizuo was nice enough to walk with him home. Izaya ran up to Shizuo and asked," Why didn't you go to school? Why wait out here? I know you don't care about being late." Shizuo sighed and took out his ciggarette then replied back," I don't want to go in my class saying I'm late and all." Izaya smiled then happily sang," Shizu-chan~ pwicked me up then brought me home~"Shizuo smacked his head and they both went home laughing and chatting.

~The End~


Bye bye~ See ya soon!!

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