Shizaya: Lost in a Unknown Place?

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Second chapter is here! Did u wait too long? Hope not! Now it's out! And I've improved on my grammar too so get ready for a fascinating chapter!! And please don't start making a voodoo doll and torturing me if my next chapter takes awhile to upload!!! LOL ^_^ Enjoy~


It was morning and the rain stopped.... Shizuo woke up and stretched. He wasn't really surprised that it wasn't a dream because he still remembers Izaya laying on his... thigh... Shizuo widen his mocha eyes and looked at the place where Izaya was sleeping. He was relieved Izaya didn't wake up since Shizuo knew the raven haired man was still sick from the rain. He was surprise that a rainstorm can make him sick (just like a human). Shizuo took off the ripped piece of cloth from Izaya's forehead quietly and quickly so he won't wake up and tucked it into his pant's pocket. He took back his bartender vest on Izaya and wore it. Shizuo then went to look for food in the unknown place.

6 mintues later....

Izaya woke up feeling heavy and dizzy. He looked around to see if Shizuo was still there, but wasn't. Izaya slowly stood up trembling a bit and wandered around the unknown region looking for Shizuo. Izaya told himself," It's not like I'm worried about him! I need a person to acompany me in this place." He was feeling really dizzy now, his head was spinning like a top spinning around and around.Izaya fell down and laid his head on a tree. Izaya needed something warm (something like Shizuo). His vision was turning black and Izaya couldn't see. He told himself, I should close my eyes for a bit...

Shizuo on the other hand....

He was looking for some delicous fresh fruits or at least something to eat on the trees that he can easily break down before getting back to where Izaya was. After a few 30 seconds or so, he found about 10 fresh acais (they are palm berries) and somehow he found fish near a small puddle. Shizuo happily went back to Izaya to eat some breakfast, but when he arrived he didn't see Izaya anywhere! Shizuo put down the fruits and fish gently (he tried to), and walked around the unknown place. Since Shizuo could smell the flea from a far distance, it was very easy to locate him. By the time Shizuo found Izaya, his face was really red like a tomato! His breathing was rapid! Shizuo ran to Izaya and felt his forehead. It was burning! If he was still at Ikebukuro it wouldn't be a problem because he'll just bring Izaya to Shinra, but he wasn't even near Ikebukuro!

Izaya's POV...

When I opened my eyes, I saw Shizu-chan sitting next to me, cooking—more like burning— fish. I softly said," Oh hi, Shizu-chan~ Where were you?" Shizuo immediately turned to me and answered with a soft, but loud voice," I was looking for food so we can eat breakfast, but now it'll be dinner." Shizuo then yelled (with his usual voice when he sees me)," WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY IN ONE PLACE!?" This protozoan switches his mood faster than I thought... I soon explained what happened to me so Shizu-chan would stop shouting. He became less noisy and unexpectedly, patted my head?!  He has never done this to me! ME AS IZAYA ORIHARA, HIS RIVAL?! I quickly crawled backwards until I hit the cave's wall and nervously said," Umm.. Let's eat now Shizu-chan~!!"

Shizuo's POV.....

I nodded and thought," Is he still sick or something?" Izaya returned to the fire and got a "fish stick" (not "fish stick," but a fish on a stick). He sat next to me, and asked," Hey, Shizu-chan~ Why haven't you yelled at me for calling you Shizu-chan yet?" I looked at Izaya and asked myself the same thing again. I then said," Do you want me too Flea!!?" Izaya smirked like usual and said," Maybe I do, Shizu-chan~" Soon after, he went back to eating his fish. I was trying to control my temper when he said that sentence and I finally did after a few minutes. When we were done eating, it was almost night and I went to the restroom (I think you know where right? They're in an unknown place, so there's no restroom...)

At the cave.....

Izaya was laying on the dirty ground (he didn't like it, but it was the only place he could rest), while eating half of the acais Shizuo had. He was thinking about what happened earlier, and all of a sudden his head started to hurt. Izaya guessed it was because of thinking too much so he took a short nap to pass the time. Shizuo came back and saw Izaya sleeping soundlessly on the ground. He knew how much Izaya hated to sleep on the ground because the dirt would make his black trade mark jacket look ugly. Shizuo layed on the floor with his stomach near Izaya's head. he lifted Izaya's head onto his stomach, so Izaya wouldn't complain about his aching head at the morning and soon Shizuo fell asleep.

In the morning...

Izaya woke up and yawned, trying to take away his tiredness. He felt a lot better since his fever went down and all. Izaya was surprised that he slept very well on a rocky ground, but as the raven examined his sleeping area, he noticed a rather familiar arm. He smirked like usual and thought of giving Shizuo a thank you gift. Izaya layed down next to Shizuo and hugged him softly so he won't wake up. Shizuo tiredly peeked through an eye, seeing the flea. He made a conclusion that Izaya was playing around (partly correct >3<). Shizuo had a plan to teach the raven not to mess with him when he's sleeping...

Shizuo's POV...


How was it? Did you like it? There'll be a hint of yaoi on the next chapter or maybe the next next chapter!! Comment something if you think it's good 'cause I really want to know. It's alright people who are reading this, you don't need to comment! Just at least follow me or whatever you think would be kind to see. There are a lot of chapters left of this story, so wait for it! Might be tomorrow or the next day or even a week! IDK so check sometimes to see if I made the new chapter yet! ^_^ There'll be about 1-8 or 7 or 9 ... Might even be 10 or 11!!! Thnx for reading this and I'll continue this soon!! Bye bye~

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