Shizaya: Dreams Aren't Real?

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I don't own Durarara!! Nor the characters, but I created the fanfiction story. So there's been a little mix up in the last chapter and I was getting really bored, so I wanted to make a huge dramatic chapter. Sorry if it made you confused or anything. Anyways carry on, enjoy~


At Kanra's Aparment....

Izaya unlocked the door and jumped on the couch, resting. Shizuo came in after, asking Izaya," Why were you shocked when you saw the so called 'heaven's place?'" Izaya laughed and simply stood up, skipping to the fridge. He replied back to Shizuo after he got ootoro," Was I? Shizu-chan~ you worried about me?" How sweet of you." Shizuo flinched and tightened his fist until it turned white. The blonde was ready to punch the flea with all his might.

Izaya looked down at Shizuo's fist and said," Umm, I was just kidding Shizu-chan~" Shizuo sighed then tried to calm down his nerves. He successfully did, and told the informant," If you don't want to tell me then it's fine. I have to take a shower, anyways." Izaya smirked and replied," If you really want to know that badly, I will tell you, however, there's a catch to it."

Shizuo thought frustratedly, "I SAID IT WAS FINE. I DON'T CARE!" Nevertheless, Shizuo faced Izaya, "What's the catch?" Izaya pointed his cheek and replied," You have to kiss me on the cheek, Shizu-chan~"

The ex-bartender walked up to the imformant and gave him a flick on the forehead. Then said," Hell no! I would never do that!"

Izaya laughed like his usual maniac laughter and said," Fine I'll tell you the truth. It might sound a bit in ordinary to you, so sit down."

Shizuo groaned and sat near Izaya. The said man started his childhood story (won't be too long)," The hideout I showed you wasn't mine... Alone. I was 5 when I found the place with a friend and-" Shizuo interrupted him and laughed out," Wow! You actually had friends!? I guess it means you weren't all that crazy back then!!!"

Izaya sighed and asked," Can I continue now?"

Shizuo stopped laughing, "Continue."

Izaya grinned and said," Okay, anyways ( moving closer to Shizuo making him nervouse). The 'little' friend of mine was a black cat since the other kids thought I was too quiet to even create a conversation with. We played near a river that was up to my knee, so the cat wouldn't drown, and ate the fresh fruits that grew on the trees. One day, it was raining outside and I didn't see the cat anywhere, so I searched for it. I soon found it sitting under the fruit tree, it looked really weak and I was really useless. i watched the cat as its eye rolled up and closed. I was shock so I ran away from the place and tried to forget it until now." Izaya looked at Shizuo who was surprise and wasn't laughing at all. Shizuo slowly said," W-well I guess the past wasn't that shitty as I've expected."

Izaya asked," What did you think my past was about?! Killing everyone who goes near me and makind deals with little kids!!??" Shizuo replied," Sort of close to it.... i thought you were shunned by everyone and mentally laughed at everyone when they get hurt or somehting..." Izaya sighed and said," Shunned is such a big word Shizu-chan~" Izaya then asked," I'm going to take a shower if you don't mind." Shizuo answered back," Go ahead.... WAIT I'm not your mom!!! FLEA!!!" Izaya stucked his tung out and ran into the restroom, followed by Shizuo holding a towel yelling" You forgot your towel Izaya!" He turned around and yelled," Wait Shizu-chan! Don't run with the towel! You might trip over the bottom part!!!" It was too late!!

Shizuo fell on top of Izaya which made them fall into the restroom! Shizuo holding the towel on his right hand and the left hand under Izaya's head, right and left leg between Izaya's leg..... Izaya's right hand on Shizuo's neck, left hand on Shizuo's back, legs staight out.... Shizuo blushed and Izaya blushed at the same time too. Both looked at each other from and was about to apologize until Shizuo blushed even darker and kissed Izaya's lips!!! He was surprise and gave in kissing him too. Shizuo found himself nibbling Izaya's lip to signal him to open his mouth. Shizuo couldn't contol himself anymore after the face Izaya had when he was blushing. It was too cute, his limit for holding himself back snapped and it happened! The kissing and fench kissing which made Izaya sink into a darker blush and couldn't stop himself until. Until Izaya accidently hit the hair dryer on the table and dropped onto Shizuo's head!

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