Chapter 8

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Q's P.O.V

I decided to take Kailynn out for the day, just me and her, I want her to open up to me, I want her to know that I will always be here regardless how busy I am, she shouldn't hesitate to pick her phone and call me, I want her to know that I will never turn my back on her like our father did, I want her to know I love her.

"Ayo, Kailynn Carter? How about we dip out this house for a few hours, you and I both could use some fresh air."

"Yeah, I can, but what will we do? Where will we go? You gone feed me?"

" Girl, stop asking so many fuckin----" AHEEM, my mother says as loudly as she possibly could as she pretends to clear her throat, "Uhh I meant, stop asking so many dang questions, go shower and get dressed."

I said changing my vocabulary, it seems as though no matter how old I get my mom is not afraid to come over and pop me in my mouth for inappropriate language I use. I go over and give her a kiss on the cheek and apologize,

"My bad Ma, but you know she so freaking hardheaded sometimes, won't let me do something nice for her, but I'm about to be 20 I'm a grown ass... I mean, grown behind man, practically a father" I say with a little bit of cockiness in the tone of my voice,

"Boy, I know that but I am and always will be your mother, that language is not permitted in this household, as long as you living under MY roof you will obey MY rules, Got it?"

"Yes Ma'am, but since Kai upstairs getting ready, how about your go get ready as well, I want to take my two favorite girls out for the day and cater to their every need"

"I would love to baby, but Chelle is coming over for tea and besides, spend some time with your sister, she hasn't seen you in a little over a year, you abandoned her, she sees me every day, she's getting tired of me. Take her out and have a good time, you know it's hard on her with your daddy being in jail and all, I will be fine, just make sure you have your eyes on her every second, she is a Flirt."

I laugh, my mother doesn't know half the things Kai has done, and being a flirt is what she is mainly worried about,

"Yes Ma'am" I reply,

"Do a good deed and go pay a visit to my grandchildren, I don't want that girl thinking you abandoned her and then put you on child support, I waited 19 years to be a grandmother, don't strip that opportunity away from me any longer."

"No problem Ma, I'll drop by there and see how everything's going."

I take a seat on the couch and finish watching the cartoons that Kai had originally planned on watching for the rest of the morning.

Kai comes down the stairs, and she's ready to go, for once she didn't dress like she's on her way to a strip club, or about to have some lil raggedy boy, beat that kitty up. She is wearing highwaisted shorts, that she cut up and made herself, along with a beige off the shoulder shirt, that does not cover her stomach to its entirity and her wild hair is untamed but has a section that has been tamed with gel, along with white and gold sneakers. What suprises me is her tattoo, which says "Loved/Hated" Damn, my little sister is Gorgeous, mom is right, im going to keep a sharp on her, I don't want boys playing with her heart trying to get into her shorts.

"You look beautiful Kailynn," mama says as she walks out the kitchen eating a sandwich,

"Thank You, Thank You" Kai, says as she bows in a feminine matter,

"Girl, turn around let me see that ass you claim you got back there"

"MOM!" I yell, as I grow quickly annoyed with the two of them

"I can curse in this house, I'm under MY roof, boy quit hollerin'" she says as she laughs.

"We have to go now" I say as I grab Kailynn out of her grip. Kai and I plant kisses on our mother's cheeks and head for the door.

"I LOVE Y'ALL" my mother yells, "WE LOVE YOU TOO" Kai and I yell back and close the door behind us.

We get into the car and Kai is on Hush Mode... She won't speak to me or anything, she does nothing but stare out the window, I turn up the radio a few times and she does nothing but turn it back down, finally she snaps and turns it off letting out and abruptly harsh,

"I HATE YOU" suddenly, she begins to sob, I become enraged and swerve the car to the side of the street. She has never said such a thing to me, she's said it to our father plenty of times, but I'm NOT him, what have I done to deserve this, she needs to correct herself before she wreck herself.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?" I say, with anger as my voice begins to shake


"You're just like dad; you both leave and try to come back showering me with gifts and these foolish Daddy Daughter days, like that's supposed to mend everything. You shouldn't have come back, mom and I were fine without you."

"Sorry, for yelling, but it's not my fault, I have been busy, it's not that I don't care about the two of you, stop being retarded and inconsiderate, I'm the man of the house now that pops is gone. I'm keeping you and mom out of harm's way, I'm finding a house so you both can be closer to Julianne and I, I'm going to fix all of us this, just give me some time. I want to know why you're acting so sketchy with me... Please tell me, I want to know so I can mend my mistakes."

"Since you want to know so fuckin' badly, I'm going to tell you some things about the REAL Kailynn Carter, this might help you learn a little bit more about whom I am or it might just destroy and bring you to tears... Well, here goes nothing.

Kailynn Carter, Came into this world on August 9th at 5:12 a.m. Weighing 7lbs 3oz

You already knew these things, but did you know at age 7 I was raped by none other but our father, you were at basketball practice, and mom was out with a friend, he would sneak into my room at night as well and "Tuck Me In", it stopped after about 2 years, but started back up recently before going to jail, I wish that was the reason he was locked up. You and everybody else in this family know that I have had two abortions, but both of those kids would belong to none other but our father, I had to get rid of them Q', I didn't want to but I had to, they'd be your siblings and your niece or nephew at the same time and, They'd be moms children and also her grandchildren, that is disgusting no to mention confusing. Ever since I could remember, I have been a victim of bullying. Boys tell me I'm ugly, I'm stupid and my pussy is dry like the Sahara desert. This family is as blind as a bat, I had everyone fooled that I was into boys but I'm not, I abhor the living hell out them, honestly I like, wait no, I LOVE girls, okay? Also, I was abused by the first boy I ever really gave my heart to; I was abandoned by the only man that I ever really loved, nah, not my father I'm talking about my older brother, Q'uetin Devante Carter."

At this point, Kai is crying hysterically and I do not know what to do, what kind of brother am I? My sister feels as though I have turned my back on her, and have left her for the streets to devour her virginity and engulf her posture, and turn it into slump. How did I not know about the rape and the bullying she endured while at home and at school, why was I blind to the abuse and the fact that she was into females, the first time she seen Julianne she grew friendly but I thought she was doing it for my sake, everyone around surrounded our relationship with negativity, except for Kai, she welcomed Julianne with open arms and a warm smile. At the moment, Kailynn is wrapped in my arms crying and choking on her own tears, she's a mess and it's my fault, she trusted me and yet I betrayed her. Her grip around my ribcage and up over my shoulders are tight, but my grip around her waist is tighter, I don't want to let go and all I can manage to say to my baby sister is "I'm Sorry", over and over again.


Author's Note: Comment &&' Tell me What you Thought about It all & VOTE VOTE VOTE ♥ Xoxo* AnneMahri

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