Chapter 8

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I glared at the reflection of myself in the mirror. Why do I keep getting into bad things? Why did I leave school to come here? To do what, kiss boys behind other boys backs, and get them into fight they have no business being in? What is wrong with me....?

It was almost concert time. I was nearly at the beach, the crowd of girls seemed to have grown this time. I walked along side of the crowd, all of the girls talking about marrying Ross or loving Riker. It felt awesome being the girlfriend of Ross Lynch. More than awesome actually. Amazing.

I walked up the stairs as normally as opening a door, no one asked questions either. I walked into the Green Room again, the one with the black couch and all the mirrors, to be caught by Rydel.

She was giggling, "Your life is like a soap opera!"

"And why do you say that?" I asked her, puzzled.

"Well," she started quietly. "you live in a penthouse, you met pop stars the first day of being in LA, then you kiss one of them and date his brother the next day? That's pretty theatrical."

"Well, thank you?" I was confused, why did she choose to think of this now? '

Ross looked up from tuning his guitar and smiled, "I knew you'd come." He stepped over to me and hugged me. Rocky, on the other hand, just stared at me and Ross. He looked from Ross to me, and back a few times. Until, his eyes widened and he looked hurt.

I awkwardly sighed and turned to the other Lynches and Ratliff, who I hadn't seen in forever.

"Hey, wait, wait, wait," Ellington put his hands up. He pointed to Ross with his drum stick and pointed at me with the other, "You guys are dating now?! Man, the things that happen when you go to Wisconsin." He took his sticks and drew an air-heart around me and Ross. "Have you guys had any lip action, yet?"

I saw Rocky chuckle out of the corner of my eye, Ross shook his head, "Not yet." I blushed slightly, this is so weird!

Rydel and Riker talked to Ellington about how his trip to Wisconsin went, and Rocky continued to put new strings on his guitar. Ross turned to me, "Do you know how to play guitar?"

"My brother....he used to teach me, but he wasn't patient enough with me. And because he's a crazy psycho..." I thought about growing up. My grandmother used to send us birthday checks. Every year, she'd add our age onto the check. So by the time me and my siblings were 10, we'd be getting $55 for our birthdays. $66 the next year, $78 the next. The only problem, is my brother is 11 years older than me. He used his birthday money for drugs, instead of food. He'd always scream and fight until....well that's a different story, for a different time. The moral of the story, my life wasn't the greatest growing up, that was a main reason I left for California.

Ross pursed his lips, "Crazy psycho?" I bit my lip, trying to show I didn't want to talk about it in front of his family. He nodded and continued, "Do you want to learn guitar? It's really fun!" I was about to agree for the 'lessons' but Ryland quickly ran into the Green Room.

"okay guys, you need to get out there really quick! Those fans are getting fidgety." He sounded out of breath. Riker grabbed his bass, Rydel quickly did a arm stretch, Rocky strummed his guitar a few times before joining his siblings. Ross followed him into the huddle, and once again they yelled "1....2....3.....READY SET ROCK!!" Before the band went out on stage, Ryland yelled to Ross, "Don't forget about the movie announcement!"

"Movie?" I questioned. Ryland nodded and said something about "just listen to Ross during the show". He quickly ran off to do his manger-like things and sell merchandise. I watched from behind the curtains, my boyfriend and his siblings rocking out on stage. I could see fans crying in the audience from here. When suddenly Rocky's words came back to me, "10 years ago, R5 was just a fun name our family called us, and now were selling out shows across the world". I smiled, those girls feel pride. They all feel so much joy that their idols are living their dreams, that they are sobbing in joy.

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