Chapter 14

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It's been a week since the now famed "Airport Shooting At LAX". I have been staying at Sapphire's penthouse for the past week. Not only because I'm a good boyfriend to stay with her while she's pregnant, but because if I leave the penthouse, I'll be mauled by reporters and scared fans. The memories of Vince's bloody face on the LAX floor has been engraved into my mind.

"I found another one, love!" Mary called out from the kitchen. "They are eating these up like flies!" By 'these', Mary meant a new magazine broadcasting the shooting. Everyday, Mary would come home with a new magazine, completely plastered with pictures of me, Sapphire, and Vince.

"Thanks, Mary..." I grumbled. I haven't slept in days, the trauma of last week was eating at my heart. I kept reading the magazines about Vince's death over and over. Some stated that I was the one holding the gun. Others told it how it was. The reporters constantly are interviewing witnesses and my siblings. In fact, Sapphire's family back home are posted all across the TV news.

"Hey, look. It's my mom......and who's that with her?" Sapphire asked the TV screen while she brushed her hair. She has been acting extremely nonchalant about this whole deal. "Oh my that my baby cousins?! They look so old now." She kneeled in front of the screen.

"-Yes I am the cousin of Sapphire. I wasn't much attached to her when I was little, but when ever I saw her, she was always so nice and caring to me and my sisters." The girl said from the TV. She looked just like Sapphire but her eyes were brown and she was about half our age.

"Please describe her as you knew her." The reporter shoved a microphone into the little girls face.

She flinched and nervously answered, "Well she was always really nice to me. She'd play dress up and let us play with her make up and she'd get us food from the top of the fridge like cookies and stuff."

"So," The reporter was smiled sinisterly. "She was irresponsible? She would spoil your dinner and let you play with adult make up? That is quite dangerous and irresponsible if you ask me. And how about you," The man pointed the microphone at a much older woman. "You are her first cousin, How was your relationship?"

"Well-" the woman started. Sapphire clapped her hand onto the remote, switching the channel to Disney. It just happened to be Austin and Ally on. 

"The last time she saw me was when I was 8 and her daughter was born. She doesn't remember me." Sapphire whispered. She turned to me and put on a smile, "Ross, how are you doing?"

I smiled weakly, I was so sleep deprived I could hardly see straight. "Fine....How are you?" My voice called on the TV, 'Ally?!'

"I know you haven't slept in a week. You are definitely not fine." She crawled behind me on the couch. She sat on the arm of the couch so I could lay back on her with my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "You did nothing wrong, you have to stop stressing."

"Saph, I coaxed a man to death." I whispered.

"No," She cooed. "You said what you had to, to save your life. Vince turned the gun on himself, it wasn't your fault."

If I haven't been crying all week, I would be sobbing now. "I had a gun pointed to my head. I said 2 things and the man shot himself and-"

"Ross! Look on the bright side. You saved my entire life. And our babies life! One crazy guy had to die, but look at what you did save. Without you, I would have been the next Jaycee Duggard." She rested her head on mine, "You are a hero, don't even listen to what the media says."

"Yeah, but I don't feel like a hero..." I whispered.

"In 8 and a half months you will." She giggled and kissed my cheek again. I smiled and kissed her back. It hasn't set in that I will be a father soon. I haven't told anyone about it yet. The only people who know are my siblings, Sapphire, Mary, and I. Oh, and Sapphire's father.

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