Chapter 28

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Keiyla's P.O.V

It's been around 2 months since Kevin and Frances' death. We had Kevin's funeral a couple weeks after his death because his parents were in Nigeria. We all had our moments when we were depressed, but Avi went through depression really hard. If it wasn't for Nyla, he would probably still be in a depressed mood. OKAY, MOVING ON FROM THE SAD EMOTIONAL STUFF! In less than a week, it will be Scott and Mitch's anniversary. I decided to get them a surprise, even though its their anniversary, I want to congratulate them with a gift. I guess I will go to the mall now.

"Hey guys, I'm going to the mall. If you need me call me!" I yelled so everyone can hear me.

"Okay!" Is all I got back so I left.

I took my car. Yes, I have a car, how do you think I came to the sleepover?

I got to the mall and browsed around some stores. I went to Hot Topic to get Mitch some cute clothes, not that he doesn't already have so many cute outfits. I saw a really cute shirt that said "Queen will do what queen will does." and some ripped skinny jeans. I was done looking for something for Mitch, now Scott. I went to Rolex to get him a watch. I was done with Scott. I was going to buy something for me, but I needed to use the restroom. I went in the big stall, dropped my bags in the corner of the stall and used the toilet. There was no sink in the bathroom. which I didn't understand, so I went to where all the sinks were. I put the bags on the counter, got some soap and washed my hands. I looked down at my hands to make sure I was washing them right. But when I looked up there was a person with a mask and they covered my mouth with a cloth and I knocked out. The last thing I saw was another masked person coming our way.

Nyla's P.O.V

Avi and I were cuddling, until Keiyla walked by announcing she will be at the mall. That was more than 3 hours ago. I tried calling her, but it went straight to voicemail. I asked Kirstie to call her, but she got the same response. I was getting pretty worried, it isn't like her to be somewhere for long hours and not answer her phone. Kirstie and I decided to go to the mall to go find her.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" I yelled. We have been searching for her for a long ass time now. We searched every store in this huge mall.

"I DON'T KNOW?! Let's go check the restrooms." Kirstie said.

"ALL THE RESTROOMS??!!" I yelled, stressed that we have to go through this to find our best friend.

"YES! ALL!" Kirstie yelled and dragged me along to restart our quest to find Keiyla.

We searched ALL the restrooms in the whole entire mall, even the boys bathroom. Kirstie and I were about to give up until I spotted another restroom.

"Hey Kirst, there is another restroom." I told her, trying to catch my breath.

"Ugghhh fine, but this is the last one." We walked in.

"OH MY WORLD!" Kirstie said.

"WHAT HAPPENED??!!" I said and ran to where she was looking.

There was literally bags scattered on the floor, blood on the sink and floor, and Keiyla's phone and purse.

"SHE WAS HERE!" I grabbed Keiyla's phone.

"How do you know its hers? Anyone can easily have that phone and case." Kirstie asked.

"Look, I'll turn it on." I turned the phone on, and a few seconds later the screen popped up with a collage of Hunger Games icons, Anime characters, and Youtubers.

"Ok, that is clearly Keiyla's screensaver." I said.

"Ok, it is her. BUT WHERE IS SHE THEN!" Kirstie yelled.

"I-I-I DON'T KNOW??!!! Do you think she has anything to deal with the blood?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure because all her stuff is here." Kirstie sounded worried.

"Okay, but where is she?" I asked scared of what I was thinking.

Just then, my phone rang. It was an Unknown number. I was not going to answer it, but something told me to answer it.

"Hello?" I put it on speaker.

"NYLA!!!!" I heard Keiyla cry in distress.

"SHUT UP B*TCH! DID I TELL YOU TO TALK?!" A guy with a deep voice yelled at her.

"no." Keiyla whispered.

"Okay, then. Well I guess your name is Nyla. Guess who I have tide up to a chair with a gun pointing at her. I'll give you a hint, IT'S KEIYLA!" Said the mysterious guy.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled, but Kirstie signaled me to calm down.

"HAAHHA, your funny. You really think I will tell you who I am?" Laughed the mysterious guy.

"Just, please don't hurt her." I said pleading.

"I won't hurt her." He said smoothly.

I exhaled, not noticing I was holding my breath.

"I'll kill her!" He said laughing.

I heard a click click. I knew that was the gun. The guy spoke to Keiyla.

"Say bye to your little friends." I can hear his smirk.

"HELP!!!" Keiyla yelled.

Then, I heard a sound all too well. A gun shot. I was paralyzed. I didn't move or say anything, I couldn't. Kirstie took the phone from my hand and hung up. Our lives were becoming a living hell.




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