The Visions

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There was no way I was closing my eyes, what if I had another vision and-I was quickly dragged from my thoughts as I heard Jennifer Lawrence's voice. I think anyways. I mean it sure sounds like her and I would know because I'm always listening to her. Was I actually dead? I mean, I know she visits her dying fans in hospitals sometimes, but I'm not special enough for that, am I? I mean, I'm from such a small town, how could she find me? Plus I'm 17, like I'm a bit too old for it, right? I'm too old for people and charities to care by now. I'm just like a 17 year old kid in Foster care, you know, the ones that stay there their whole lives. Once you're not considered a cute little kid everyone stops caring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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