Blank screen

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It's on the bed all they long,
Sometimes I open it to play a song
And the battery goes out ,
I don't know what to do,
There's a blank screen,
Between me and you.
The power starts again,
And I browse on Google,
Or just play a game.

I'm in another world,
I'm not troubled by anything
I'm a free little bird.

People always ask me
Why I am shut away in my room
Like I'm in a prison cell
Waiting for doom.
I tell it's cause of us two
But Still everyone blames me,
For ever choosing you.
When I lift up the screen,
And plug in the power
So begins the hour.
The hour I'm locked away from the world,
Staring at a blank screen
Like a lonely little girl.

I imagine to scroll through emails
Which I know I'll never recieve,
Except maybe a wish
On Christmas Eve.
Soon I get sick of the screen,
I just want to scream
I want to believe my life
Is just some sort of dream.

They say to appreciate what you have,
To keep faith in your future
And to keep your head up,
To have a little humour.
Jokes will keep you going they say,
Be a clown! They say.

But you know that person isn't you
And you don't know what to do.
You want to fly away,
Or jump with a parachute,
But you've got to do it for yourself
For your family who invested,
Countless hours of work
And barely even rested.

Monday's to Friday's are nightmares,
In the weekend I get a little break,
Studying hard, I'll get white hairs,
Before I'm even twenty-eight.
But when it's all done,
And I'm pushed around by no one
I appreciate that you were there for me,
A blank screen, which sat and waited.

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