Vanilla Love

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chapter 1

I sat in the middle of her bed room floor as I looked around at all the walls covered in her artwork.

"Mariah where are you?? I'm so bored!!" I said as I leaned back and laid on the floor.

"she's probably down stars" said Amyah as she sampled perfumes on the dresser.

"sorry but that's to far away for me"

"alright I'm back now" Mariah said "time to get down to business...Zaryia what's up with you and Tyrell??"

"ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!" I said "I'm so done with him!! He's found him someone who's and I quote 'better' and willing to deal with his crap."

"I thought you two were inseparable...who knew he would stoop so low." Amyah said.

"Well now that that relationSHIT is over with...I've got somebody I wan you to meet"

"Mariah, I'm not sure I'm ready to get back on the dating scene"

"Oh sure you already told him you'd meet him Saturday night..."

"YOU DID WHAT?!? Why?? I don't even know his name and you expect me to go on a date with him??"

"Well his name is Jeremy, he's about 6'3", he plays football...a shoe in for the pros, he's got the biggest most beautiful brown eyes you'll ever see, and one more thing...", she turned to look at me, "he's white"

"You know me...I don't really care its all about how you treat me...can't say that for the rest of the family though..." I said, a little ashamed of that fact

"Your mom and dad don't really seem like those type of people Zaryia, I'm sure they'll except him just as much as you will"

"its not them I'm worried about..."

I thought that this whole thing would just blow over in a month or two, but nothing could have prepared me for the time I spent with him.

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now