chapter 4 : The Fair

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That Wednesday was the best on yet! I almost died in anticipation at school that day. I couldn't even focus on my teachers because he was all I could think about. I was even jittery at lunch while he was right next to me. 

"Why are you being so weird?" Jeremy asked, looking puzzled. 

"What? What are you talking about? I'm not being weird." I said as I stole a cookie from his lunch tray. 

"Yes you are...look at yourself...your not even chewing for real!!" 

"I'm fine. promise!!" I coughed choking on a chocolate chip. 

"yeaa...ok." he said patting my back. 

"So the rest of y'all were just gonna let me choke?" a chorus of joking yeses came from my friends. "wow...remind me NOT to die around y'all."


After school Mariah drove me back home.  

"You coming tonight with Jeremy?" she asked as she pulled into my driveway. 

"Yea I am, he said he'd be here at 6"  

"K. Bye Boo!! See ya there." She made the weirdest face ever.  

"Bye girlie!!!"I made a face back at her and got out of her car. 

Once I was settled in my house, I got a text from Jeremy "see you at 6?"  

"Yup!! So excited :)" I texted back...and I truly was. I couldn't sit still. I changed my outfit 3 times then finally settled on my skinny jeans and white neon stripped tank, made dinner for my family early, at 4 o'clock to be exact. 

Then at 6 on the dot my doorbell rang. I ran down the hall and slowed up when I passed my mom. "He's not going anywhere" she teased "calm yourself." she laughed at me. 

"leave me alone mommy" I said as I smiled at her. Once I got to the door I fixed my shirt, and then opened it. "Hey" I said trying to hide my excitement, I gestured for him to come inside. 

"Hey, don't you look pretty" he said smiling "Hey Mrs. Adams, you look nice too" he said with a corny smile. 

"Flattery gets you no where with me" she lied. 

"Yes ma'am" he said, "Zaryia, are you ready?" 

"Yea I just gotta get my purse". I went to my room and grabbed my purse and my cellphone, sprayed my favorite perfume and headed out. When I got back to the living room Jeremy and my mom were rolling all over the couch laughing. "What is so funny?" They both swallowed down their chuckles. 

"Oh nothing" my mom said as she winked at Jeremy. 

"Yea...nothing" he gave me the most fake Smile ever. 

"ugh! I can't deal" I said as I laughed "let's go". I was really happy that Jeremy and my mom got along so well, but he stiil hadn't met my dad. 

When we got to the truck he opened the door for me. I had finally figured out, after a month and a half of falling in and out of the truck, that if I was going to do it gracefully, I had to boost myself up on the small step below my door and sort of "jump" into the seat. It worked perfectly this time. He closed my door and I reached over and unlocked his. He put the key in the ignition and we were off. 

Once we were on the main road, Jeremy put one hand in mine and kept the other on the wheel. "Ok I kinda lied...but then again I kinda didn't."  

"About what?" I said sounding concerned. 

"Calm down...We're still going to the fair...its just not in Karin." 

"Well where is it then?" 

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now