Chapter 13 : What else can i do?

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Jeremy's POV

     "No Jeremy! Do you honestly think I didn't notice?  You did it on purpose!" Zaryia was pissed...I could hear it all over her voice. The fact that I was yelling back at her wasn't helping the situation.

      "Zaryia I told you! I don't wanna talk about it! I'm done."

      "I'm not! I can't believe you did that!" Zaryia called me after the game and released the kraken. She was furious! Now she was louder than before, and I was too. I wasn't going to back down this time! I had nothing to apologize for, and I wasn't going too.

       "You will go and tell him you're sorry!" she scram.

       "No Zaryia! I won't! I'm not sure what you think this is but your not my mother, your my girlfriend, and you're not just gonna be making demands! I might be whipped, but I'm nobody's slave!" She was quite. Her silence filled my room as if she was right there. I could see her face in my head. Her disappointment, anger, frustration filled my mental picture.

       "You know what?" She wasn't yelling anymore, in fact she sounded calm, "I'm not arguing with you anymore. I've tried everything! You're just angry, and only God knows why."

       "I'm not angry Zary; you're blowing this way out of proportion."

       "Out of proportion?!" she sounded surprised, "You broke his leg! I could see his bone!"

       "I didn't know he was gonna hit him like that! I knew it was gonna be a good one, but I didn't know it was gonna be like that, ok? I'm sorry."

       "No Jeremy, its not ok, and I'm not the one you should be apologizing too. You didn't break my leg."

       "I'm done. I don't know what else you want me to do."

       "I told you what I want you to do, but you're so durn stubborn; I guess thats not an option for you."

        Zaryia and I argued all night long. It was 3 in the morning and we still had not come up with a solution to any of our problems.

       "Jeremy we're gonna finish this tomorrow. I'm tired and I have to get up tomorrow for church. You should come." She wasn't yelling anymore. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice.

       "Church, on Saturday... early in the morning? I really wanna do this?"

        "you don't have to if you don't wanna. You can drive, and you know where the church is. I really want you to come, but like I said, you don't have to if you don't want to"

        "I'll see what I can do."

         "ok" she was tired and my answer wasn't what she wanted.

         "Your tired, go to sleep Zaryia."

         "I am not, its just late...or early....depends on how you look at it."

         "See, right there! If you don't go to sleep now, you're gonna start talking crazy."

         "Ninjas don't need sleep." she yawned. She was falling asleep and didn't even know it. She sounded like a child when she tried to fight sleeping. She tried to hang, but after eleven, Zaryia was a goner. I was surprised she stayed up with me for so long tonight.

          "Goodnight beautiful." I said

          "Wait, don't hang up! Sleep on the phone with me."

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now