chapter 14: The hospital

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Zaryia's POV  

*after Sabbath dinner*

"Hey sweetie, you're looking kind of lost.", a tall woman stood up behind the counter. She wore scrubs with little stick figure nurses on them. Her beach blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail that touched the nape of her neck. "Can I help you find something?" she asked.

"Um yea...," should I even be here? "I'm looking for a frie-" He is NOT my friend.

"I'm looking for Tyrell. Tyrell Marlend, is he still checked in?" I asked.

The woman began typing on the computer. I could tell she was really pretty when she wasn't in her scrubs, but right now she seemed like an average tanning salon regular.

"You're in luck" sure if that's what you wanna call it. "he is in room 257. Go down to the end of the hall then take a left, it should be the first door on the right."

"Thank you." I follow the woman's instructions, and sure enough, his room was right there in front of me when I turned the corner. I had made it this far and now I was unsure. Why am I even here? I don't even like him. Damn you for being too nice self... I straighted up and walked into the room. the white walls made the room seem bigger than it was. Tyrell was laying on his side looking out of the window that took up most of the wall on the other side of the room. I looked at him and notice he was almost too tall for the bed. His cast was blue and went all the way down from his knee to the tips of his toes.

I knocked on the door frame, and Tyrell turned and looked at me. His face was covered in surprise.

"Um...Zaryia...hi...come in please." he said as he sat up on the bed. "sit down, there's a window seat, and that chair over there, or you could sit on the edge of the bed."

I remember what happened the last time you said that. "No I'm fine I'll stand. You ok?"

"yea...better than I was when I got here." He said, adjusting his IV. "This cast thing sucks though. its so uncomfortable. oh well."

"You'll get use to it I guess..." this was beyond awkward.

"Thanks for coming Zaryia, really you're the first person who isn't my mom or dad to come see me." he looked at me with gratitude. "What was I thinking? I should have done better by you Zaryia I'm sorry"

"Where did that come from? I asked him, not sure of the responce i would get.

"no's just that i think im finally getting what i deserve...karma really is a bitch...i get it now. This whole broken leg thing is realy putting things in prospective for me and i think now is the perfect time to get some thinngs of my chest." Tyrell looked up at me, "Zaryia i know that you're with jeremy now and you probably wont belive a word i'm about to say but i still care about fact i think i might still lo-"  

just then there was a commotion outside his room.

"yea doctor his BAC is .25" a nurse said as she pushed a man quickly down the hall in a wheelchair. "its amazing he's still conscious, with all that alcohol and that blow to the head you'd think he'd be out cold already."

The man in the wheelchair looked like he had been home drinking all day. His clothes looked as if he hadn't changed in days. The corner of his shirt next to his shoulder was full of blood dripping from the back of his head.

The woman and the man in the wheelchair disappeared around the next corner. Just then I saw Jeremy's mom come out of the door. she quickly followed the nurse and the man in the wheelchair. Her red hair flew in the wind behind her. She was so concerned with the man in the wheelchair that she didn't even realize that I'd called her name.

"umm...Tyrell I'm sorry I have to leave so soon but I think I should go..." I said turning from the door to look back at him.

"Oh..umm...ok well thanks for coming...I really appreciate it" he said, looking down at his lap.

"It was no problem really." with that I turned and walked down the hall to the waiting room. I picked up my phone and dialed Jeremy's number. As I opened the door separating the waiting room from the rest of the hospital, I heard Jeremy's ringtone loud and clear. I looked over to my left and there he was...he looked so tired.

This was the first time I'd ever seen him this way. His whole disposition was downcast. Everything about his appearance was sad. His big brown eyes looked empty, as if he was in a different place.

I walked over to him and touched his shoulder. "Jeremy, love what's going on? Talk to me." he continued to stare into the distance. "Jeremy?" I said a second time.


"Zaryia? What are you doing here?" he asked sounding like a lost child. His back was cut in some places, and others held tiny pieces of brown glass.

"I came to see Tyrell remember? I saw your mom running after some guy; what's going on?" I asked.

Jeremy proceeded to tell me what happened. When he was done, I told him I'd stay with him till his dad was admitted. Jeremy laid his head in my lap and fell asleep. Two hours later, at twelve, Jeremy Sr. was admitted. At three a nurse came and woke Jeremy up so she could do something for his back.

I walked into the hospital room and saw Jeremy's mom sleeping on the pull out couch under the widow. Jeremy was sitting across from her. The bed that his dad laid on was between them.

Jeremy sat in the chair with his head resting in his hands, and his elbows on his knees, shirtless. The gauze the nurse put on his back was beginning to stain red.

As I stood in the door frame looking at my boyfriend I noticed that, right now, he looked physically strong, which everyone knew he was. But only I knew that mentally and emotionally he was falling apart.

He looked up at me and smiled. He sat up and gestured for me to come toward him. He took my hand and led me to sit down on his lap.

"This is crazy." he said giggling a little.

"What is?"

"This whole situation is just mom, my dad, you." He said.

"What's so ridiculous?"

"This whole thing. Why are you even here right now? Most girls would have run after the whole thing at the fair. Why didn't you?"

"Because relationships are suppose to be ride or die, Bonnie and Clyde, forever type stuff. I'm suppose to fight for you. I'm suppose to support you and your choices. I'm suppose to be right here right now. What kind of girl would you take me for if I just left?"

"A normal one." he laughed.

"Now thing about what you just said."

"I guess you're not normal are you."

"Exactly." I kiss his forehead and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Jeremy" i sighed "What are we gonna do about our families?"

"join them" he smiled, "Join all the crazy together and call it a day." he said. Jeremy looked up at me and kissed my lips. "Zaryia, come on let's get you to your car so you can get home."

Jeremy and I waked down the hall and into the lobby were I saw the clock. It was 1 in the morning, an hour past my weekend curfew. I was screwed.

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now