chapter 9: im your best friend!!

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     The next Monday, Mariah came to pick me up for school. "Sup boo!!" she said as I got into her car.

     "Nothing much...lord knows I don't want to go back to school!"

    "I completely understand" she laughed. "now tell me how Saturday went."

     "It actually went pretty well...although it didn't start that way!" I said, thinking back to all of my fathers questions. "he turned it into an interrogation just like I said he would, and my mother!! Ohhh my mother." I shook my head in frustration.

     "What about her?" she asked, momentarily taking her eyes if the road.

     "She asked the most awkward question possible..." I said, getting irritated all over again just thinking about it.

     "And that was?"

     "She asked him if he was a virgin...right there...AT THE TABLE!" I still couldn't believe her, "and she didn't beat around ANY kind of all."

    "Well is he?" I looked at her in disbelief.


    "What? I'm just curious... and it sounds typical of her! When has your mother ever been the one to beat around anything?"

    "I guess your right...and no he's not..."

    "Really? Does it bother you? I mean its not like you've lost yours yet." she continued to silence caused her concern. "...Zaryia...ZARYIA!! You haven't have you?" her attention was now totally on me, I guess she forgot she was driving.

     "Can you watch the road please?"

     "Zaryia answer the question."

     "Why? Does it even matter?"

     "YES IT MATTERS!! Answer the question!" she yelled, punching me in the arm.

     "YES I DID!!! Gosh Mariah that hurt!"

     "What?!?! The punch in arm or losing your virginity?!?!  I can believe you didn't tell me! I'm your best friend!! How could you not tell me?!?! And I wasn't aware that you and Jeremy had gotten so 'friendly'!!"

     " wasn't him..."

     "WHAT?!?" she was now driving erotically, swerving in every lane.


     "What the crap Zaryia!! Who was it then?"

     "It doesn't matter..."

     "Yes it does!!"

     "TYRELL OK!! IT WAS TYRELL!!! Can we drop it now please?!"

     "OH HELL NAW!!!!!" she threw her hands up, completely letting go of the wheel. "Your kidding...I told you he was a piece of shit before y'all even started dating..."

     "Yes I know." Just as we were about to run off the road, she grabbed the wheel and pulled into the school parking lot. we sat and talked until 7:45. she begged me for all the details as always.

     When we got out of the car, we met up with our usual crew. I gave Jeremy a kiss, grabbed his hand, and proceeded to walk to the school building. Just as we were all getting ready to cross the driving portion of the parking lot, a black Jaguar JX flew passed us. Jeremy pulled me back just in time. "Who was that?!"

    Everyone but him knew exactly who it was. That car, the speed it was going and the person driving was all to familiar. Anger, resentment, and range filled me from the tip of my toes to the top of my head instantly! "FUCK MY LIFE!!!!!" I scram, Why was he even here?!

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now