chapter 5 : pregnancy must suck...

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The next day when I woke up my foot was sore. It was a little swollen too, so I let it soak while I was in the shower and when I got out I wrapped it and got some ice from the fridge.

When I got in the car, Mariah just looked at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What the hell happened last night?" she questioned, "all I saw was the big crowd and then you ran up and smacked that girl."

"Now that I'm thinking about it, my hand is kinda sore too." I said examining my hand, poking around for bruises "you do know who she is don't you?"

"No it was dark, who is she."

"The girl from our 3rd block, the one I asked to sit with us."

"I don't know who..." then her eyes widened, "NO!! Your lying!!"

"Nope...she looked up at me"

"Well that still doesn't tell me why you smacked her."

"The guy she was there with was the guy Jeremy got in the fight with." I explained, "so I guess her 'contribution' was kicking him off Manuel or whatever his name was. It didn't seem to phase him but I felt like I had to do something, ya know."

"Yea I can understand that but did you have to kick her in the face!?" she sounded amused.

"UM YES!! She spit in my new shoes!! NOT OK!!" I laughed, "I should have made her clean them too."

"Zaryia...your a horrible person." she said keeping her eyes on the road.

"Haha...yes I know" I said...sort of proud of myself, "3rd block is gonna be interesting."

When we pulled up to the school, I got all of my stuff together and now kept the ice pack on my hand, which was now cramping up.

"Zaryia, what's up with the ice pack?" Anthony asked.

"My hand really hurts" I said "I really hope its not broken".

"Dang you hit her that hard".

"It was an accident" my hand was on fire, "I didn't mean to hit her like that." just then Jeremy pulled up.

"Please don't be sorry" he said as he jumped out of the truck. "I didn't feel it last night but she kicked me hard." Just then Jeremy lifted his shirt revealing a bruise about as big as his fist next to his belly button.

"Wow...that's a pretty good kick" Anthony said. "No regrets Zaryia?" he asked.

"Nope..not anymore" I took Jeremy by his waist and continued on to our classes. When he dropped me of at my class he kissed my forehead and dropped something into my purse.

"What is that?" I asked before I let go of him, "last time you put something in my bag it was candy, you trying to make me fat?"

he smiled,"some candy here and there is not gonna make you fat."

"If you keep giving it to me it will". I said, "Now what is it?"

"Look and you'll find out" he kissed my forehead again and walked away.

Once I got into the class and settled in, I checked my purse and pulled out a cup of coffee creamer. WTF? Then I read the side of it..."Let me put some cream in your coffee ;)...that came from Robin Thicke". He had to be the biggest corn ball I'd ever met, but it always made me smile.

"Ok class...turn to page 124 and pass up the homework." Mrs. Jacobs said as she passed my desk,"Ms. Adams...what happened to your hand if you don't mind my asking?" When I looked down at it I noticed that the back of my hand was bruising and now swelling.

Vanilla Love : Book Two of the MARZ series.Where stories live. Discover now